HTML5 video not played in ipad

Dear Friends,

Am in process of building a video player rails application, which is
compatabile to Safari, ipad, iphone device.

I have used below code to render a video and it works fine in safari.
But videos are not played in ipad and iphone.

I have tried changing the mime types, in config folder like,

Mime::Type.register “video/mp4”, :mp4
Mime::Type.register “video/mp4”, :m4v

“.ogg” => “application/ogg”,
“.ogx” => “application/ogg”,
“.ogv” => “video/ogg”,
“.oga” => “audio/ogg”,
“.mp4” => “video/mp4”,
“.m4v” => “video/mp4”,
“.mp3” => “audio/mpeg”,
“.m4a” => “audio/mpeg”

but the issue not fixed yet.

Iam using rails 3.0.0 and ruby 1.87.7

Kindly let me know what needs to be done to get videos played in ipad
and iphone using HTML5 and Rails 3.


dare ruby wrote in post #971232:

Am in process of building a video player rails application, which is
compatabile to Safari, ipad, iphone device.

I have used below code to render a video and it works fine in safari.
But videos are not played in ipad and iphone.

... ... Kindly let me know what needs to be done to get videos played in ipad and iphone using HTML5 and Rails 3.

I first have to ask for clarification: Have you actually tested that the
video is actually compatible with iPad and iPhone (i.e. You’ve actually
copied the video to an iOS device and played it back)?

I first have to ask for clarification: Have you actually tested that the
video is actually compatible with iPad and iPhone (i.e. You’ve actually
copied the video to an iOS device and played it back)?

No i have tried the same video using HTML and also using PHP it plays
well in ipad and iphone. Its the same code and video thats not working
in rails.

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:55 PM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

I first have to ask for clarification: Have you actually tested that the
video is actually compatible with iPad and iPhone (i.e. You’ve actually
copied the video to an iOS device and played it back)?

No i have tried the same video using HTML and also using PHP it plays
well in ipad and iphone. Its the same code and video thats not working
in rails.

What does the entire HTML look like?


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:39 PM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Also for your reference when i tried to run like,

Dare, I was able to put together Rails 3.0.3 application using Ruby
without any issues. Furthermore, I didn’t have to play with mime type
because this handle by default in Webrick and Nginx. However, this may
not be the case with your configuration. Here’s my file:

Some Video

Good luck,


dare ruby wrote in post #971390:

I first have to ask for clarification: Have you actually tested that the
video is actually compatible with iPad and iPhone (i.e. You’ve actually
copied the video to an iOS device and played it back)?

No i have tried the same video using HTML and also using PHP it plays
well in ipad and iphone. Its the same code and video thats not working
in rails.


I have found below mimetypes,

irb(main):001:0> MIME::Types.type_for(“example.m4v”).to_s
=> “video/mp4”

irb(main):002:0> MIME::Types.type_for(“example.mp4”).to_s
=> “video/vnd.objectvideo”

Also for your reference when i tried to run like,

It works fine in Mac safari but generates below error in iphone or ipad

“Cannot Play Movie
Server is not configured properly”

what i need to configure apart from setting mime types like above?

Conrad T. wrote in post #971410:

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:39 PM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Also for your reference when i tried to run like,

Dare, I was able to put together Rails 3.0.3 application using Ruby
without any issues. Furthermore, I didn’t have to play with mime type
because this handle by default in Webrick and Nginx. However, this may
not be the case with your configuration. Here’s my file:

Some Video

Good luck,


i have installed rails 3.0.3 and tried the above said example but same

Am missing something…

issing something…

Is the HTML file an ERB template that lives in the Rails views
directory? What web server are you using?


Thanks, yes its inside my views videos/list.html.erb

Just using webrick for development…

dare ruby wrote in post #971437:

issing something…

Is the HTML file an ERB template that lives in the Rails views
directory? What web server are you using?


Thanks, yes its inside my views videos/list.html.erb

Just using webrick for development…

Would it be a lot of trouble for you to try Phusion Passenger
standalone? The should give you an environment more like what you’ll
have in production. It would also change up your environment enough to
be an interesting test.

gem install passenger
passenger start

Also, just out of curiosity, have you validated the HTML 5 rendered by
your app with the W3C validator?

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 30, 2010, at 1:49 AM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

not be the case with your configuration. Here’s my file:
<!-- MPEG4 for


i have installed rails 3.0.3 and tried the above said example but same

Am missing something…

Is the HTML file an ERB template that lives in the Rails views
directory? What web server are you using?


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 3:29 AM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

I would recommend trying Passenger as Robert suggested.


Makes no sense, as long as the

code =>

  <video  width="741" height="320" controls="controls"

preload=“auto” poster=“

  <source src=""

type=‘video/mp4; codecs=“avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2”’ />

<!-- Image Fallback. Typically the same as the poster image. –

<img src=""

width=“741” height=“320” alt=“Poster Image” title=“No video playback
capabilities.” />

 <img src=""

width=“741” height=“320” alt=“Poster Image” />

Download Video:

Ben Eggett wrote in post #971865:

Makes no sense, as long as the

code =>

  <video  width="741" height="320" controls="controls"

preload=“auto” poster=“

  <source src=""

type=‘video/mp4; codecs=“avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2”’ />

<!-- Image Fallback. Typically the same as the poster image. –

<img src=""

width=“741” height=“320” alt=“Poster Image” title=“No video playback
capabilities.” />

 <img src=""

width=“741” height=“320” alt=“Poster Image” />

Download Video:

Thanks ben your code works fine in my rails application.

but when i try to change to change the video file path to read from my
server, it fails again in ipad / iphone alone but works fine in mac

<video width=“741” height=“320” controls=“controls”
preload=“auto” poster=“

  <source src="/videos/MovieClip.mp4"

type=‘video/mp4; codecs=“avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2”’ />


Am missing some configuration here i believe or mime types.

Plz let me know


Thanks ben your code works fine in my rails application.

but when i try to change to change the video file path to read from my
server, it fails again in ipad / iphone alone but works fine in mac

<video width=“741” height=“320” controls=“controls”
preload=“auto” poster=“

  <source src="/videos/MovieClip.mp4"

type=‘video/mp4; codecs=“avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2”’ />


Am missing some configuration here i believe or mime types.

Plz let me know

Any suggestions plz…

Still not able to play video in ipad / iphone…

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 8:21 PM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

preload=“auto” poster=“

Am missing some configuration here i believe or mime types.

Plz let me know

Any suggestions plz…

Still not able to play video in ipad / iphone…

Hi, do you see anything in the Rails or Passenger/Apache logs?


Hi, do you see anything in the Rails or Passenger/Apache logs?

hi am using webrick & also mongrel.

While using passanger it works fine in ipad, the videos are not played
in ipad /iphone while using webrick / mongrel.

Here is the logs…

Started GET “/videos/list” for at Wed Jan 05 13:31:14
+0530 2011
Processing by VideosController#list as /
Rendered nodes/_node.xml.builder (7.9ms)
Rendered videos/list.html.erb within layouts/application (22.5ms)
Completed 200 OK in 75ms (Views: 70.2ms)

Sorry, haven’t been in the forums for a couple days.

Try creating a .htaccess file in you public directory (if its not
already there) and add the following lines to it:

AddType video/ogg .ogv
AddType video/mp4 .mp4
AddType video/webm .webm
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI .(og[gv]|mp4|m4v|webm)$ no-gzip dont-vary

And whatever other mimetypes you want, those should serve it fine. I’m
only suggesting this as you have had no luck with your first example
in rack.

Email me if you haven’t solved it and would like more help.


Email me if you haven’t solved it and would like more help.


Ben , didnt get the issue fixed…

When i try in ruby console like this,

irb(main):001:0> MIME::Types.type_for(“videos/big_buck_bunny.mp4”).to_s
=> “video/vnd.objectvideo”

Its not returning mp4 format, will that affect the application…

Thanks in advance

Jose Martin

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:44 PM, dare ruby removed_email_address@domain.invalid

but the issue not fixed yet.

Iam using rails 3.0.0 and ruby 1.87.7

Kindly let me know what needs to be done to get videos played in ipad
and iphone using HTML5 and Rails 3.


Jose, is the complete web page online or can you post the complete
