I’m looking to create a proxy that will scrape all my http headers and
post them to stdout. My searches have been vacant on this topic, does
anybody know of any good tutorials out there?
I’m looking to create a proxy that will scrape all my http headers and
post them to stdout. My searches have been vacant on this topic, does
anybody know of any good tutorials out there?
Ben W. wrote:
I’m looking to create a proxy that will scrape all my http headers and
post them to stdout. My searches have been vacant on this topic, does
anybody know of any good tutorials out there?
One place to look is the httpproxy.rb that comes with webrick in the
standard ruby libs. No tutorial AFAIK, but it’s fairly simple code.
On Jan 22, 2008 11:48 AM, Ben W. [email protected] wrote:
I’m looking to create a proxy that will scrape all my http headers and
post them to stdout. My searches have been vacant on this topic, does
anybody know of any good tutorials out there?
Do you need a forward proxy or a reverse proxy? Does it need to be
transparent (which would require some kind of address translation) or do
want the ordinary HTTP-proxy kind?
On Jan 23, 2008 1:48 AM, Ben W. [email protected] wrote:
I’m looking to create a proxy that will scrape all my http headers and
post them to stdout. My searches have been vacant on this topic, does
anybody know of any good tutorials out there?
Try this one-liner,
% ruby -r webrick/httpproxy -e ‘s = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new(:Port
=> 9999, :RequestCallback => Proc.new{|req,res| puts req.request_line,
req.raw_header}); trap(“INT”){s.shutdown}; s.start’
webrick/httprequest.rb defines APIs of a req object.
That’s the perfect starting point. Thanks Gotoken and everybody else.
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