Without seeing the code you’re trying or the actual response that
comes back, I have to just guess.
the program I’m working on was developed by someone else and is
extremely over complicated but I will try to explain it here.
Part 1 - in my C-suite
def setup
vru = Regression::ISAC::VRU.new
vru.fraud_alert(“AlertPlacement”, “INITIAL_FRAUD”,
@consumer.consumer_id, @consumer.first_name, @consumer.last_name,
@consumer.ssn, @consumer.dob, @consumer.address,
@consumer.city,@consumer.state, @consumer.zip)
@event = Regression::ISAC::Event.new(@user_isac_ie, EVENT_TYPE,
@consumer, vru.get_event_id)
– the vru.get_event_id and vru.fraud_alert calls this next portion
Part 2 - in my VRU class
def get_tag_data(tag_name)
def initialize(host = “”, port = 8080)
@connection = Net::HTTP.new(host, port)
@connection.use_ssl = true
@connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
@connection.get ‘/’
def get_event_id
return get_tag_data(“eventId”)
– vru.fraud_alert calls the initialize and then goes to create my https
alert string. The changes you showed me, I think, got me pass the SSL
issues but now I can not get the other portions to work. I need to get
the XML back from the request so that I can take information from the
tag of ‘eventId’
– vru.get_event_id is calling the get_event_id which then
The error that I am getting as of right now is
NoMethodError: undefined method +' for nil:NilClass c:\ruby\qa\isac\regression suite\regression\isac\vru.rb:40:in
c:\ruby\qa\isac\regression suite\regression\isac\vru.rb:80:in
get_event_id' C:/ruby/QA/ISAC/Regression Suite/ALRT/Valid_Consumer/Concurrency.rb:27:in
I think this is all that you would need. Please let me know if there is
anything else I need to help you help me.