Lloyd L. wrote:
Well, that being the case, I would like to say first off, ARRRRR! 
Making thousands of weapons is a thankless task. When you eventually
get around to that, you will want a few basic weapons
guns: piston, rifle, blunderbus, flintlock, etc
swords: cutlass, longsword, short sword, etc
knives: dagger, stiletto, throwing knife, etc
blunt: sap, club, belaying pin, etc.
etc, etc
Under each weapon, you will have the other parts:
is it usable at range?
plus to hit
plus to damage
special (magical) effects
Then, you can make a list of items in a database and not have to hand
craft each one. You might write a routine that rates each weapon’s
characteristics and randomly generates weapons with a certain value and
only players of some level can properly use a weapon like that.
This is the kind of thing that makes object oriented coding so useful.
Anyway, I wish you well with this.
You think I haven’t done most of this? I currently only have about 10
weapons, and 4 types. Swords (1hand and 2hand, under same catagory),
Guns (pistol and rifle,shotgun,sniper, same catagory. I can’t come up
with a general name or the latter set), Ranged (throwing knives,
throwing axes, bows, and I think grappling hooks fall under this
catagory. Just with less range than other weapons, and are useful in
other manners as well.) and Axes. Clubs, also a good idea. But for the
dude who is being a hole about the whole coding thing, I have friends
who CAN code, and very well as a matter of fact. I would not be
surprised if I just was the ideas guy. I’m not a bad artist, but I am no
Piccasso. I can draw and color basic concepts, but when I try to go into
detail, they end up looking stupid. So I could easily become the “Ideas
Guy”. Instead, I’m trying to get the coding move along quicker. But at
this rate, you won’t be seeing any of my games for about 30 years. Why’s
Guide lost me at about chapter 3. The best thing I’v done in Ruby is
make the thingy reconize a sandwich as Ham, Turkey, Cheese. So, could
someone inform me if this is normal to not understand any of this stuff
at all? Because I’m sure the programming team at Blizzard started out
alot better than me. And who knows, If this works out, I might work at
Blizzard. NOT! And as for weapons, im gunna list em.
Sabre: Basic Sword. one-handed. Does relatively low damage alone. Level
Requirement: None.
Katana: Slightly advanced sword. onehanded. Medium-High damage. Has a 2%
boost chance for critical strikes. Level Requirement: 60. Skill
Requirement: Familiar Swords. (max level is 100, ensures good long
Hunting Knife: One Handed. Low Damage. Fast. Piercing Damage. Also used
for Skinning. Level Requirement: none.
Revolver: One Handed Gun, sub-type pistol. Loads 8 shots. Medium reload
time. Medium Damage. 25 yard range. Level Requirement: 40. Skill
Requirement: Journeyman Guns. Dual Wield Capable with Expert Guns Skill.
Sniper Rifle: Two Handed Gun, sub-type Rifle. High Damage. 75 yard
range. Slow Firing Rate. Loads 1 bullet. Medium reload time. Increased
chance of crit 5%. Skill Requirement: Master Guns. Level Requirement:
Shotgun: Medium-High Damage at close range. Two Handed Shotgun. 2%
chance to stun enemy for 2 seconds. 25 yard range. Damage gets lower at
ranges greater than 10 yards. Skill Requirement: Skilled Guns. Level
Requirement: 37. Holds 8 shots. SLOW reload time. Higher skill in Guns
decreses reload time.
Shortbow: Two Handed Bow. Low damage. 30 yard range. Level Requirement:
Hellfire Axe: Legendary Two Hand Battle-Axe. Massive Damage. Medium-Low
Speed. Fire Damage. 5% chance of causing hit foes to burst into flames
for 10 seconds. Skill Requirement: Supreme Axes. Level Requirement: 95.
Only availible through rare drops from high level monsters in long high
level dungeons. Very High Value.
And I feel thats enough for now. And people, I’m looking for HELP. I
don’t need more people telling me to “learn the basics”, or “stop trying
to run before you can walk”, or “For gods sake, use google!”. I tried
Google a thousand times. I found Ruby, Python, C, C#, C++, Java, and
loads of tutorials that DIDNT help. I have no interest in making a Text
Adventure, because, for one thing, they aren’t any fun! They have no or
bad graphics, no customizability, no nothing! Alls I want is to make a
decent graphic game, with decent gameplay, and atleast some fun. At this
rate, none of thats going ot happen soon. Soon I’m just going to take
the hard road and directly try to learn C++. But for all intents and
purposes, learning Ruby first would be an easier path. But with all the
help I’m getting now, that path has a giant wall on it. And snakes. And
a moat filled with plasma and alligators. And the entirety of the
universe is between me and the wall. And a door with a sign that says
“Stay out if you value your sanity”. Because the topic at hand was never
addressed really. The original question was how would I get started
making a game if I had no prior coding experiance?. And I haven’t
received much on that subject.