I need serious help!

Chad P. wrote:

On Sat, Jul 14, 2007 at 10:47:13AM +0900, Joe W. wrote:

Heh. Practice. Ya know how most of my friends /practice/ their
programming? By working on their games.

Considering your

  1. increasing propensity for being offensive,

  2. unwillingness to use any resources other than us, and to misuse us
    at that, and

  3. inability to understand that “learn to walk before you run” is an
    analogy meant to point out that you will not be writing the next WoW
    a week,

maybe you should ask those friends of yours to help you out and stop
consuming all the bandwidth of this discussion venue by telling everyone
how stupid they are for not telling you the one-sentence sekrit mystery
of learning to code 3D rendering engines in 24 hours.

Hate to break it to you, but my friends are busy. BUSY ADDING STUFF TO
THIER GAMES! Ya shouldn’t have passed 3rd grade if you cant add 2 and 2
together. I didn’t ask how to make the next WoW in a week. I asked how I
would start making a simple, not even fun to play game. People told me
Hello World 10000000 times, etc. I didn’t ask how to type Hello World. I
asked how to make the simple game I planned on.

Chad P. wrote:

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 07:22:01AM +0900, Joe W. wrote:

  1. unwillingness to use any resources other than us, and to misuse us
    of learning to code 3D rendering engines in 24 hours.

Hate to break it to you, but my friends are busy. BUSY ADDING STUFF TO
THIER GAMES! Ya shouldn’t have passed 3rd grade if you cant add 2 and 2
together. I didn’t ask how to make the next WoW in a week. I asked how I
would start making a simple, not even fun to play game. People told me
Hello World 10000000 times, etc. I didn’t ask how to type Hello World. I
asked how to make the simple game I planned on.

Hate to break it to you, but we’re pretty busy too. Despite this,
of us have taken time out of our days to try to help you. Look at all
the gratitude it got us.

I only thank people when their ‘advice’ is helpful. If you told me to
take use the restroom in a mailbox, I probably wouldn’t thank you. If
you gave me investment tips that made me richer than that mexican dude
with all the money, /then/ I might thank you. If you just gave me the
money, making me richer than aforementioned mexican dude, (and im not
sure i used aforementioned right. Shows what a good lawyer i am) then I
would probably thank you. But with useless advice on Hello World
program things, it makes it hard to really care how you feel. If you
want someone to ask that, go to a shrink. We know you need to anyway. Go
and get your balls back from ur sister.

In message [email protected], Joe
Wiltrout writes:

But with useless advice on Hello World
program things, it makes it hard to really care how you feel.

Except the advice wasn’t useless. Pearls before swine, maybe, but the
is not in the advice itself.


unknown wrote:

In message [email protected], Joe
Wiltrout writes:

But with useless advice on Hello World
program things, it makes it hard to really care how you feel.

Except the advice wasn’t useless. Pearls before swine, maybe, but the
is not in the advice itself.


Not seeing your point. Your saying that the advice givers are the stupid
ones? Or the delivery of the advice was in thw wrong?

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 07:42:58AM +0900, Joe W. wrote:

asked how to make the simple game I planned on.
money, making me richer than aforementioned mexican dude, (and im not
sure i used aforementioned right. Shows what a good lawyer i am) then I
would probably thank you. But with useless advice on Hello World
program things, it makes it hard to really care how you feel. If you
want someone to ask that, go to a shrink. We know you need to anyway. Go
and get your balls back from ur sister.

The fact that you refuse to accept the notion that learning how to print
text to a file or STDOUT is useful is not our problem.

What was the point of that comment about my “balls” and my nonexistent
sister? Does that accomplish anything useful? No, don’t answer –
were rhetorical questions.

Chad P. wrote:

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 07:42:58AM +0900, Joe W. wrote:

asked how to make the simple game I planned on.
money, making me richer than aforementioned mexican dude, (and im not
sure i used aforementioned right. Shows what a good lawyer i am) then I
would probably thank you. But with useless advice on Hello World
program things, it makes it hard to really care how you feel. If you
want someone to ask that, go to a shrink. We know you need to anyway. Go
and get your balls back from ur sister.

The fact that you refuse to accept the notion that learning how to print
text to a file or STDOUT is useful is not our problem.

What was the point of that comment about my “balls” and my nonexistent
sister? Does that accomplish anything useful? No, don’t answer –
were rhetorical questions.

Lol. You put the comment “balls” in quotes. Which, if you sayu it out
loud, makes it sound as if you have none. And yes it does accomplish
something useful. What? Im not sure. Ill think of that later. The point
was that you learn that people whos family trees don’t fork usually
aren’t right about everything.

aa, ba, ca, ab, bb, cb, ac = (1…7).to_a.map{|i| Location.new}

aa, ba, ca, ab, bb, cb, ac = *(7.to_a.map{|i| Location.new})

Joe W. wrote:

unknown wrote:

In message [email protected], Joe
Wiltrout writes:

But with useless advice on Hello World
program things, it makes it hard to really care how you feel.

Except the advice wasn’t useless. Pearls before swine, maybe, but the
is not in the advice itself.


Not seeing your point. Your saying that the advice givers are the stupid
ones? Or the delivery of the advice was in thw wrong?

Let’s just relax.

The reason “hello world” was brought out was because it’s a standard
“first program” that people write.

Telling you to go write “hello world” they were saying;
“take a minute, go look at how ruby works”

the next step is to go look at variables, control structure and so on.
because if you don’t understand how to implement logic in the language,
then you can’t write a game.

for example, let’s pretend we’re writing a game now;
install ruby and run “irb” from the command line;

let’s define a map of locations that looks like;

 aa(blocked)   ba           ca
 ab            bb           cb(trap)

they have a left, right, up, down method that points to the location in
that direction if there is one.

they also have a “blocked” and “trap” method

so lets define our Location class

class Location
attr_accessor :left, :right, :up, :down, :trap, :blocked

and we’ll declare our instances;

aa, ba, ca, ab, bb, cb, ac = *(7.to_a.map{|i| Location.new})

aa.blocked = true
aa.right = ba
aa.down = ab

ba.left = aa
ba.right = ca
ba.down = bb

ca.left = ba
ca.down = cb

ab.up = aa
ab.right = bb
ab.down = ac

… do the rest …

cb.trap = true

now we have all of the locations defined

in irb we can write

→ <# Location #>

and it will return us the object we call ba
we can check this;

aa.right == ba
→ true

→ true

so we can write a method that moves us around here.

first we’ll define an instance variable to say where we are presently;

@current_location = ba

def move(direction)

want_to_move = @current_location.send(direction)

if want_to_move.nil?
puts “You can’t go that way”

elsif want_to_move.blocked
puts “sorry, you can’t go that way, it’s blocked”

elsif wants_to_move.trap
puts “ahh, you got trapped”
@current_location = want_to_move
puts “you’ve moved #{direction}. what next?”
@current_location = want_to_move

now in the console we can right

→ “you’ve moved right, what next?”

→ “ahh, you got trapped”

and so on.

In message [email protected], Joe
Wiltrout writes:

Not seeing your point. Your saying that the advice givers are the stupid
ones? Or the delivery of the advice was in thw wrong?


I’m saying you got excellent advice, and that if you’d actually listened
to and taken that advice, instead of making up other things and lying
what people said, it would have been very useful. Instead, you’re going
around trying to ensure that a large community of talented and very
people are never going to want to help you again.


Ok. When you put it that way, it’s much simpler. But could you rename
your aa, ab, etc to names such as Lake, Stream, Forest, Mountain,
Penobscot? Or are we stuck with aa ab ac bb ba bc ca cb ca et, c…


they’d have to be lowercase though.

ideally you’d define

class Location
attr_reader :name

def initialize(name)
    @name = name


then you’d define

lake = Location.new(“lake”)

-> “lake”

and such…

you’d probably want to use an array of locations instead,
but that’d be harder to understand maybe

Joe W. wrote:

Ok. When you put it that way, it’s much simpler. But could you rename
your aa, ab, etc to names such as Lake, Stream, Forest, Mountain,
Penobscot? Or are we stuck with aa ab ac bb ba bc ca cb ca et, c…

unknown wrote:

In message [email protected], Joe
Wiltrout writes:

Not seeing your point. Your saying that the advice givers are the stupid
ones? Or the delivery of the advice was in thw wrong?


I’m saying you got excellent advice, and that if you’d actually listened
to and taken that advice, instead of making up other things and lying
what people said, it would have been very useful. Instead, you’re going
around trying to ensure that a large community of stupid and not very
people are never going to want to help you again.


Good. With their useless advice, I want them to stop spamming up my
posts with stupid things. The whole aa ab ac etc post, that was mildly
helpful. I understood that much. But I still don’t know what kind of
game that makes part of.

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 08:34:04AM +0900, Joe W. wrote:

The fact that you refuse to accept the notion that learning how to print
was that you learn that people whos family trees don’t fork usually
aren’t right about everything.

Well . . . I have some tennis balls, some ball bearings, some ball
ammunition (jargon meaning solid projectile ammunition), and some
testicles. All of those things have been known to be called “balls”.

Do you have any?

I’m not sure how the lack of a sister implies that I’m a member of an
inbred family, either. In fact, if a family were inbred, I’d expect
sisters to be doing double-duty as wives, triple- as mothers, and
quadruple- as cousins. I suppose that your inability to grasp the
abstractions of the learning process might have given me some hint to
you wouldn’t be able to figure that out, however.

Joe W. wrote:

Hey yall experienced coders and programmer dudes. I wanna make an MMORPG
type game, but I have no programming experiance whatsoever. Someone told

I’d consider using Microsoft’s XNA stuff:

XNA is a framework for making games for Windows and the XBox 360 using
the C# language. C# is a lot easier than C++, and lot more useful for
making games than Ruby.

You can download the XNA Studio Express for free, and they have a bunch
of samples and examples that you can download. There are also forums
where everyone is going to be interested in making games.


On 7/16/07, Daniel L. [email protected] wrote:

where everyone is going to be interested in making games.


Good direction, although I’d personally avoid it. In a few years’ time
there will probably be a far better solution (it seems like the game
programming community is pushing there, see discussions on the GOAL
[Game Oriented Assembly{/er} Lisp]).

I hate C#, and I know it well enough to get paid using it.

Learning Logo and Ruby and creating simple games like the one he asked
for help with with them, and then later when you have the skills
learning the best tool around (which will probably be better than all
tools there are today) sounds like the plan to me.

Thanks, Dan, I didn’t even consider that one.


SonOfLilit wrote:

Good direction, although I’d personally avoid it. In a few years’ time

What will be fun is when you can script XNA with IronRuby. That might be
somewhat cool.

there will probably be a far better solution (it seems like the game
programming community is pushing there, see discussions on the GOAL
[Game Oriented Assembly{/er} Lisp]).

Wow. They actually used GOAL to make the Jak and Dexter games for the
PS2. Though I notice that the authors of GOAL don’t use it any more.

I hate C#, and I know it well enough to get paid using it.

Worrying, since I started learning it last weekend :wink:


On 7/16/07, Daniel L. [email protected] wrote:

SonOfLilit wrote:

Good direction, although I’d personally avoid it. In a few years’ time

What will be fun is when you can script XNA with IronRuby. That might be
somewhat cool.

Might be cool indeed. I’m waiting for when I’ll be able to script C
games with Ruby without getting into all these sorts of trouble.

there will probably be a far better solution (it seems like the game
programming community is pushing there, see discussions on the GOAL
[Game Oriented Assembly{/er} Lisp]).

Wow. They actually used GOAL to make the Jak and Dexter games for the
PS2. Though I notice that the authors of GOAL don’t use it any more.

Sony bought the company and directed them to use Sony’s home
technology so that code sharing can be taken advantage of. Sony bought
them because of their ingenuity in taking advantage of the PS2 better
than any other game company
. There’s a lot on the net about it, a bit
hard to find though…

I hate C#, and I know it well enough to get paid using it.

Worrying, since I started learning it last weekend :wink:

There are many languages I hate. It’s not a bad one, simply not up to
my standards. I miss Ruby too much when using it.

It looks like Joe got what he wanted…

From his profile at AskANinja.com (http://askaninja.com/user/56660):

Real Name: Joe W.
Location: Clermont, USA
Profile: I look forward to making your life suck, SOON!
IM: aim: ikillsyous

From his “homepage”


What can I do to make your life suck today?

It’s so much fun watching people feed trolls!

It’s so much fun watching people feed trolls!
Please, no more OT in this topic. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

And thank you so much for being the #1 troll feeder. I for one really
appreciate it!

On 7/16/07, Warren B. [email protected] wrote:

From his “homepage”


What can I do to make your life suck today?

It’s so much fun watching people feed trolls!

Please, no more OT in this topic. Thank you very much :slight_smile: