Last week, I have finaly pushed my plugin that do Rails routing
translation on github.
It’s based on top of I18n api and it works with Rails 2 and Rails 3 !
I currently use it in production on several Rails 2 projects.
The usage is extremly simple, juste declare your routes in a localized
block, like this :
localized do
resources :users
There is a last thing I need to do : making the plugin compatible with
deep nested resources
How to use ParseDate in a localized way so the user can input a date
in any local format (e.g. in se 3/12/75 or TIsdag, 2:a juni 1965t)
that still can be parsed by ParseDate
My mistake, you are right, after testing, the lazy-lookup do pretty
the same as my plugin.
I need to pay more attention at documentation before spending time
coding ! Good to know anyway