Idea for an automatic rails deployment system

When ever you deploy a new rails app with an Apache/Mongrel_Cluster
setup, you have to setup a bunch of configuration files, symlink those
to the right places so apache and mongrel cluster pick them up, restart
those, figure out why it didn’t work the first time, and on and on.

What you can’t do is just drop some files into a directory and expect
your site to start working… Maybe Litespeed lets you do this, who
knows… :slight_smile:

Here’s an idea for an automatic rails deployment system, lets
hypothetically call it dog_walker (get it? mongrel?! har har…):

It would consist daemon process that monitors a rails “apps” directory.

If a new sub-directory comes into existance and has the appropriate
config file, say app_name/config/dog_walker.yml, it picks it up,
assigns it one or more ports to run mongrels, and starts them up. It
also modifies and reloads Apache (or lighttpd/nginx, whatever the
front-end proxy is) with a new virtual host, and bam, your site is up!

Each site’s dog_walker.yml could look something like:

environment: production
nbr_mongrels: 3

dog_walker itself would probably also need one main config file,
something like:

apps_dir: /home/username/rails_apps
proxy_server: apache
apache_conf_dir: /etc/httpd/conf.d
port_range_start: 3500
port_range_end: 4000

dog_walker could manage for you which ports get assigned to which apps
and all that junk, and create the appropriate .conf files for apache,
and then restart/reload it so it starts serving your app.

just an idea at the moment…

Scott B.
Electro Interactive, Inc.
Office: 813-333-5508
Web -
Blog -

When ever you deploy a new rails app with an Apache/Mongrel_Cluster
setup, you have to setup a bunch of configuration files, symlink those
to the right places so apache and mongrel cluster pick them up, restart
those, figure out why it didn’t work the first time, and on and on.

What you can’t do is just drop some files into a directory and expect
your site to start working… Maybe Litespeed lets you do this, who
knows… :slight_smile:

Sort of… using their virtual templates you can come pretty close.
Upload your app and tell lightspeed to associate it (file system path,
domain name) with the rails virtual template. graceful restart.

Scott B. wrote:

just an idea at the moment…
I have some thoughts on this. I think there should be an API to talk to
the hosting environment. So say you have a account that you want to
deploy a rails app to that has no setup done for it other than
username/password/homedirectory. I think it should be possible to
create a system so that all you need to do is configure the address of
where you connect to your hosting provider, and the username/password.
The API takes care of asking the hosting environment to setup things
like DNS, virtual hosts, ports, IP addresses, email accounts, etc. On
the hosting environment side they can have various different setups but
the person deploying the app doesn’t need to know the specifics of those
for most simple setups, and may not care so long as it works.

I’ve experimented in the last week with building pound config files from
templates with simple search/replace, and doing this for other types of
config files should be similarly easy though I would prefer a more
dynamic setup. With apache it should be possible to update a live
system with libapache rather than writing out a config file, and
reloading. I know there is a patch to bind to make it dynamically load
new zones, and it should be possible to patch any open source server to
give it similar functionality if someone hasn’t already.

With an API like this it would be possible to not just easily deploy
apps to many different providers with ease, but have the user interface
for things like adding domains, subdomains, and email addresses be part
of the app you deploy rather than some disconnected system. This way
you can have a consistent user interface no matter who you choose for
your hosting provider.

Daniel J.
Systems Administrator

Ruby on Rails Development, Consulting & Hosting
+1 503 445 2457
+1 877 55 ARGON [toll free]
+1 815 642 4968 [fax]

On Jan 24, 5:01 pm, “Scott B.” [email protected] wrote:

When ever you deploy a new rails app with an Apache/Mongrel_Cluster
setup, you have to setup a bunch of configuration files, symlink those
to the right places so apache and mongrel cluster pick them up, restart
those, figure out why it didn’t work the first time, and on and on.

The railsmachine gem[1] provides a good base for configuring a new
rails site for deployment. I employ everyone to take a look at the
gem. Maybe you could bake something up that would work better for your
site using the gem as a base.


On Jan 24, 6:53 pm, “bryanl” [email protected] wrote:

I actually do use a derivative of that railsmachine stuff. It’s based
on the slingshot rails apache2.2/mongrel cluster deployment script,
which you can get here:

That’ll go and create the apache conf files, the mongrel cluster files,
etc, when you run “cap remote:deploy”. Which is kinda cool, but I still
like the idea of a daemon process watching a rails apps folder and
handling all that for you so you don’t even need to think about it. You
wouldn’t have to care what ports mongrel are running on, etc.

  • Scott

Well I can’t quite offer you that, but I’ve got a tenant depoyment down

cap -s user=tenant1 make_tenant

That creates a separate user context and user database, handles all the
security nonsense
and makes the application available, as if by magic, on

It also automatically handles SSL. If you have the apache module loaded
it forces HTTPS and if you don’t it uses HTTP. The form of SSL used
means that you only need a certificate for ‘yourdomain’ not a wildcard

No releases at the moment, but you are welcome to look at the GPL’ed
Capistrano code at

Any feedback or encouragement appreciated. Questions on the associated
forum if you like, or here if you prefer.


On 1/24/07, Daniel J. [email protected] wrote:

I have some thoughts on this. I think there should be an API to talk to
the hosting environment.

Our control panel that Ezra is writing (temporarily stalled so he can
complete his book!) is fully accessible via ActiveResource. All tasks
will eventually have a programmatic interface, including user
managment, email setup, DNS configuration, environment setup, and even
deployment of specific application packages (Subversion URL +
revision, gems and versions, etc) into those environments.

We believe this will be a big hit, once it’s available(!), with
application developers who resell our hosting service.

Since he said there were no releases, I checked the subversion
repository and noticed they were there.



Hey Neil, I don’t see any files at ?

  • Scott