Idea: screensaver lib for Ruby

I’m a fan of screensavers, as maybe you are also.

I think it would be cool to have a lib for writing screensavers
in Ruby. I’m ignorant of the details, though.

I’ve always wondered how screensavers are installed and
what kind iof interface they have to enable their configuration.
(I’ve never been curious enough to research it, though.)

In any case, writing the lib is not something I have time for.
I mention it in case someone else is interested.

If the lib were written, I might write a screensaver or three,
however. I have an idea for one that is fortune-like but which
you can program with your own quotations (specifying for each
the font, color, size, formatting…)

Just an idea. Ignore at your leisure.


On 11/16/05, removed_email_address@domain.invalid removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

I mention it in case someone else is interested.

If the lib were written, I might write a screensaver or three,
however. I have an idea for one that is fortune-like but which
you can program with your own quotations (specifying for each
the font, color, size, formatting…)

Just an idea. Ignore at your leisure.

You’d need a generic ScreenSaverGuiToolkit ( cutdown fox? ), which
would be cross platform, then some sort of per platform wrapper to
turn that into a screensaver.

I know Win32 screen savers are just exes with a few entry points