Using acts_as_ferret with rails 2.1, I encounter some strange
behaviour in reindexing all records from my model.
Some seem to be ignored. The log generated by reindexing misses some
values; but no error is printed about parsing these strings.
I was alerted by some results missing. I then experimented with sql
search (postgresql).
For a single word, the sql search
MyModel.find(:all, :conditions => [‘entry ILIKE ?’, “%#{@query}
%”], :limit => 50)
gives always more results than
MyModel.find_with_ferret(@query, {:limit => 50})
How could I do to identify why some values are not indexed ?
Is there a debug log level ?
Is this an already known issue ?
config.gem ‘ferret’, :version => ‘0.11.6’
config.gem ‘acts_as_ferret’, :version => ‘0.4.3’
In my model I have
acts_as_ferret :fields => {:entry => {:store
=> :yes}}, :default_field => :entry, :remote => false
Jean-Christophe M.
[email protected]
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:53 PM, [email protected]
[email protected] wrote:
Using acts_as_ferret with rails 2.1, I encounter some strange behaviour in
reindexing all records from my model.
Some seem to be ignored. The log generated by reindexing misses some values;
but no error is printed about parsing these strings.
I was alerted by some results missing.
I have seen this problem as well. Same versions of ferret/aaf
(0.11.6/0.4.3). Differences are Rails 2.0 and using SQL Server.
The limited amount of investigation that I have been able to do
suggests a fence post error in the bulk index pagination. Of 2000+
objects, 2 are missing. I’m only basing the fence post conjecture on
the number of missing objects & the default pagination window (1000).
I have not even had a chance to investigate changing the window size,
let alone investigate deeper.
Hope that helps (as least you’re not alone). I should have some more
time tomorrow to investigate.