I’ve been using engines with great success doing custom shopping carts
rely on a core cart engine for 90% of their functionality. Every client
wants something different and it’s been a breeze pulling this off with
engines since the majority of the code never changes (warehouse,
fulfillment, management layer, etc.). What I was wondering is, we often
have clients who want two carts, that require very similar engine
(they want a public one and bulk marketing one, for example) and it’d be
great to DRY in those situations.
Are there any suggestions for layering engines so they’d act as a sort
base-engine? Something like this:
CompanyCart-A-Rails App < CompanyCartEngine < CoreCartEngine
CompanyCart-B-Rails App < CompanyCartEngine < CoreCartEngine
Any way of pulling something like off? Can engines use engines in the
way Rails Apps can use engines?