If anyone can help me understand a little better i would greatly appreciate it.
I’m basically trying to scan an input from a user against a variable to see if there is any matching characters and if there are any matching characters i want to store them and also print them.
I just can’t get my head around it (sorry i’m literally 4 days into ruby)
str1 = “abcdefg”
str2 = “”
puts = “enter word”
user enters - “acg”
str2 = gets.chomp
str2 =“acg”
matching_letters = (str1.chars & str2.chars)
#matching_letters = “a,c,g”
now i want to scan ‘matching_letters’(a,c,g) against str1 and i want to show the user the letters they have matched and also the position of str1 they have matched in. But i dont know how to do it??
for example the letters would matching_letters (a,c,g) would match positions [0],[2],[7]
But how do i scan that and make sure that stay in the matched postion??
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it