hi ! i am very new to ror i am impressed with open id plugin !
previously i installed acts_as_authentication now i want to merge it
with open id login system ! i have installed gem ruby-openid 2.1.2 .
when page lodes it shows err
undefined method `using_open_id?’ for #AccountController:0x43f2470
help me !
In case you were not aware, acts_as_authenticated is now deprecated
and has been replaced with Restful_authentication.
There is a great post at Rails Forum that explains step-by-step (with
all code) of how to implement Restful_authentication with Open-ID
Hope that helps you, as it certainly helped me quite a bit!
On Aug 25, 3:04 am, Dharmdip R. [email protected]
Also check out http://railskits.com/openid for a fully-functional sample
Rails app that has restful_authentication and OpenID working together.
Benjamin C.
http://railskits.com/ - Ready-made Rails code
http://catchthebest.com/ - Team-powered recruiting
http://www.bencurtis.com/ - Personal blog
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Dharmdip R. <