I installed TYPO3 (source and dummy 4.0.1) without problem on Debian, I
modified the group and the permissions of the four directories indicated
in file “INSTALL.TXT”. The symlink “typo3_src” is good.
The Install Tool was connected to the database, created the tables. The
page “BASIC Configuration” does not give any errors.
And I cannot connect myself to BE. I always have the message : “Your
login attempt did not succeed”.
I tested with the username “admin” and the password “password”, without
success. I use Firefox and Mozilla on Debian.
I created from the page “Database Analyser” a new “admin” user with the
login “toto” and the password “toto”, a new row in the table “be_users”
was added for the column “username”. And I cannot connect to BE with
this username ! :o(
Can you help me so that I can connect myself to BE ?
| http://www.juliana-multimedia.com |
| mailto:[email protected] |