I have several different “templates” for location and most of templates
common part like this:
http {
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
server {
listen 12345;
location / {
some configuration;
location /special {
include template12345.txt;
some configuration;
if ($variable1 = “value1”) { return 403; }
if ($variable2 = “value2”) { return 403; }
if ($variable3 = “value3”) { return 403; }
some other configuration;
When I try to separate this “if” part into separate file like this:
if ( $variable1 = “value1” ) { return 403; }
if ( $variable2 = “value2” ) { return 403; }
if ( $variable3 = “value3” ) { return 403; }
and include it in the template like “include conditions.txt” instead of
repeating this part in every template, I get error message:
“nginx: [emerg] “if” directive is not allowed here in
So my question is: is there a limit to “include” directive depth ? Why
am I
getting this error ?
Posted at Nginx Forum: