I just realized that edge ruby (1.2.2) breaks my routes. :id does not
include periods (".") any more, in favour of allowing :id.:format.
How can I create the old behevior, i.e. a route, so that “/controller/
action/abc.jpg” returns “abc.jpg” in a single argument (:id)?
“/:controller/:action/:id” does not work as expected and returns :id =
Martin Aus Chemnitz wrote:
I just realized that edge ruby (1.2.2) breaks my routes. :id does not
include periods (".") any more, in favour of allowing :id.:format.
How can I create the old behevior, i.e. a route, so that “/controller/
action/abc.jpg” returns “abc.jpg” in a single argument (:id)?
“/:controller/:action/:id” does not work as expected and returns :id =
I’m sure there’s a more Ruby-like way of doing this but I just modified
the source code directly.
In rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb you’ll see this:
module Routing
SEPARATORS = %w( / ; . , ? )
Just take out the “.”
Michael W.
Martin Aus Chemnitz wrote:
I just realized that edge ruby (1.2.2) breaks my routes. :id does not
include periods (“.”) any more, in favour of allowing :id.:format.
How can I create the old behevior, i.e. a route, so that “/controller/
action/abc.jpg” returns “abc.jpg” in a single argument (:id)?
“/:controller/:action/:id” does not work as expected and returns :id =
map.load_post_image ‘news/load_image/:id/:file_name’, :controller =>
‘news’, :action => ‘load_image’,
:requirements => { :file_name => /.*/ }
Jonathan W.