Install act_as_ferret on win xp

Hi There!

Im trying to install act_as ferret on win xp, with this

ruby : 1.8.7
rails: 2.3.8
gem list:

abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.0.1, 2.3.8, 1.3.3)
actionpack (3.0.1, 2.3.8, 2.3.2, 1.13.6, 1.13.3)
actionwebservice (1.2.6, 1.2.3)
activemodel (3.0.1)
activerecord (3.0.1, 2.3.8, 2.3.2, 1.15.6, 1.15.3)
activeresource (3.0.1, 2.3.8)
activesupport (3.0.1, 2.3.8, 2.3.2, 1.4.4, 1.4.2)
acts_as_indexed (0.6.5, 0.6.3)
arel (1.0.1)
authlogic (2.1.5)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (1.0.3, 1.0.0.rc.6)
capybara (0.3.9)
configuration (1.1.0)
cucumber (0.8.5)
cucumber-rails (0.3.2)
culerity (0.2.12, 0.2.10)
database_cleaner (0.5.2)
datanoise-actionwebservice (2.3.2)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
erubis (2.6.6)
factory_girl (1.3.2)
ferret (0.11.5 mswin32)
ffi (0.6.3 x86-mingw32)
friendly_id (3.0.6)
gemcutter (0.6.1)
geokit (1.5.0)
gherkin (2.1.5 i386-mingw32)
heroku (1.9.13)
hobo (1.0.1)
hobofields (1.0.1)
hobosupport (1.0.1)
hoe (2.6.1)
i18n (0.4.2)
json_pure (1.4.6, 1.4.5)
launchy (0.3.7)
mail (2.2.9)
mime-types (1.16)
mysql (2.8.1 x86-mingw32)
nokogiri ( x86-mingw32)
pg (0.9.0 x86-mingw32)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.2.1, 1.1.0)
rack-mount (0.6.13)
rack-test (0.5.4)
rails (2.3.8, 1.2.3)
railties (3.0.1)
rake (0.8.7)
refinerycms (
refinerycms-news (
refinerycms-portfolio (0.9.7)
rest-client (1.6.0, 1.4.2)
restfulx (1.3.0)
rmagick (2.12.0 mswin32)
rubigen (1.5.5)
rubyforge (2.0.4)
rubyist-aasm (2.1.1)
rubyzip (0.9.4)
selenium-webdriver (0.0.28, 0.0.27)
sqlite3-ruby (1.3.2 x86-mingw32, 1.3.1 x86-mingw32)
term-ansicolor (1.0.5)
thor (0.14.3)
treetop (1.4.8)
trollop (1.16.2)
tzinfo (0.3.23)
will_paginate (2.3.15)

I already follow the topic
Installing Ferret + acts_as_ferret on Windows Vista - Ferret - Ruby-Forum, but it is not working,
when I try to install act_as_ferret gem, I get this error msg:

$ gem install acts_as_ferret
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ERROR: Error installing acts_as_ferret:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

c:/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
creating Makefile

make: *** No rule to make target ruby.h', needed by analysis.o’.

Gem files will remain installed in
.11.8.2 for inspection.
Results logged to

Does anybody has a clue on how to get out this problem?

