Installing Ferret + acts_as_ferret on Windows Vista

Hello to you all,

I’m on Vista, with Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.0.2. Trying to have the search
engine working in my railsproject has lead to problems

  1. first, I did > gem install ferret
    Successfully installed ferret-0.9.6
    1 gem installed

  2. secondly, I installed acts_as_ferret via script/plugin

  3. when i run the WEBrick server, however, I get this error message:
    `gem_original_require’: no such file to load – ferret_ext (MissingSou

Have you any idea what I’m doing wrong? I’d love to hear that from you.

Thanks in advance



I’m running ferret on Vista also, but I’m at version 0.11.5 - maybe your
problem is because of an older gem?

try doing a “gem install ferret -v 0.11.5” at the command prompt

also, acts_as_ferret is also available as a gem, maybe try that instead
of plugin if the above doesn’t work

Adam Hill wrote:


I’m running ferret on Vista also, but I’m at version 0.11.5 - maybe your
problem is because of an older gem?

try doing a “gem install ferret -v 0.11.5” at the command prompt

also, acts_as_ferret is also available as a gem, maybe try that instead
of plugin if the above doesn’t work

thanks for your suggestion, Adam!


I’ve got a similiar situation as the creator of this thread. I’m Windows
XP and have Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.1.0. Earlier when I had Rails 2.0.2,
there were no problems with the environment. Afert updgrading the
environment WEBrick doesn’t start anymore and gives me “no such file to
load – ferret_ext” error.

I’ve tried installing acts_as_ferret as gem and plugin - both without a
successful result. Updating ferret to the latest version 0.11.5 didn’t
help either. When I run a ferret test, I get message that “ferret

– ferret_test.rb –
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘ferret’
include Ferret
puts “ferret works!”

I’ve searched already elsewhere, but didn’t find any working solutions
Anyone has ideas, what could be the reason?

Egorbrandt Egorbrandt wrote:

problem solved, for those poor Windows users like me:

  1. gem install ferret -v=0.11.5 --platform mswin32
  2. gem install acts_as_ferret
  3. add “require ‘acts_as_ferret’” in config/environment.rb
  4. from C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\ferret-0.11.5-x86-mswin32\ext
    copy/paste to

it works! (for me, and for now…)

Thanks a bunch from some other poor Windows user, worked just fine for
me on WinXP.


Egorbrandt Egorbrandt wrote:

Hello to you all,

I’m on Vista, with Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.0.2. Trying to have the search
engine working in my railsproject has lead to problems

  1. first, I did > gem install ferret
    Successfully installed ferret-0.9.6
    1 gem installed

  2. secondly, I installed acts_as_ferret via script/plugin

  3. when i run the WEBrick server, however, I get this error message:
    `gem_original_require’: no such file to load – ferret_ext (MissingSou

Have you any idea what I’m doing wrong? I’d love to hear that from you.

Thanks in advance


problem solved, for those poor Windows users like me:

  1. gem install ferret -v=0.11.5 --platform mswin32
  2. gem install acts_as_ferret
  3. add “require ‘acts_as_ferret’” in config/environment.rb
  4. from C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\ferret-0.11.5-x86-mswin32\ext
    copy/paste to

it works! (for me, and for now…)