Installing plugin for Facebooker using git

I am trying the following tutorial for facebook using Jruby on Rails

One of the steps is

rails mygreatapp
cd mygreatapp
script/plugin install

I am getting stumped here
Since I am using Jruby really and not ruby- I tried the following

jruby script/plugin install git://

But it’s not working
I am not getting any errors but am not getting any indication that
positive has happened eitehr
No files created… No message on console

I’ve seen this also. fwiw, you can run script/plugin using MRI and it
tends to work.


Can you file a bug on this? We should follow up and make sure we get
this working.


On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Rajiv N. [email protected]

Since I am using Jruby really and not ruby- I tried the following command
jruby script/plugin install git://
But it’s not working
I am not getting any errors but am not getting any indication that something
positive has happened eitehr
No files created… No message on console


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Oh sure !
I am so new to Jruby wasn’t sure if I am doing something outrightly
incorrect :slight_smile:
will do so now