Installing RoR with Mongrel: What does "Path to config file not valid" mean?


I’m trying to install Ruby on Rails 2.0.2 with Mongrel, following the
instructions here –
I install the gems successfully, but when I try and run the second
command under “Configuring the Cluster”, I get the error:

!!! Path to config file not valid: config/mongrel_cluster.yml
cluster::configure reported an error. Use mongrel_rails
cluster::configure -h to get help.

What does that mean? The full command and output are below. Thanks,

  • Dave

[root@mymachine ~]# gem install daemons gem_plugin mongrel
mongrel_cluster --include-dependencies
Successfully installed daemons-1.0.9
Installing ri documentation for daemons-1.0.9…
Installing RDoc documentation for daemons-1.0.9…
Successfully installed gem_plugin-0.2.3
Installing ri documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3…
While generating documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3
… MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=33, text=“Implements”
… RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/
gem_plugin-0.2.3/ri --quiet lib
(continuing with the rest of the installation)
Installing RDoc documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3…
Select which gem to install for your platform (i686-linux)

  1. mongrel 1.1.4 (x86-mswin32-60)
  2. mongrel 1.1.4 (java)
  3. mongrel 1.1.4 (ruby)
  4. mongrel 1.1.3 (ruby)
  5. mongrel 1.1.3 (i386-mswin32)
  6. mongrel 1.1.3 (java)
  7. Skip this gem
  8. Cancel installation

Building native extensions. This could take a while…
Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.3
Installing ri documentation for mongrel-1.1.3…
While generating documentation for mongrel-1.1.3
… MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=33, text=“A”
… RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/
mongrel-1.1.3/ri --quiet lib ext
(continuing with the rest of the installation)
Installing RDoc documentation for mongrel-1.1.3…
Successfully installed mongrel_cluster-1.0.5
[root@mymachine ~]# mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e production -p
8000 -a -N 3 -c /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/easyrx
!!! Path to config file not valid: config/mongrel_cluster.yml
cluster::configure reported an error. Use mongrel_rails
cluster::configure -h to get help.

You need to run cluster::configure from within the root directory of
your rails project.

On Mar 1, 4:41 pm, “[email protected]
[email protected] wrote:

