Installing Ruby

Hy guys! :slight_smile:

I ve been trying to install ruby but i ve a problem with my bundle

Macintosh-7:update_01 felipevelasquez$ bundle install
Fetching source index for
`initialize’: Permission denied -

I think it could be a path problem, what do you think?

Thanks guys!!


On Jul 31, 2011, at 5:03 AM, Felipe Velasquez wrote:

You’re getting an EACCES (permission issue) error, so that means you
need to run it with sudo:

$ sudo bundle install

Chris W.

On Jul 31, 2011, at 6:59 AM, Hassan S. wrote:

No! It means the OP has screwed up his RVM install, probably by
running some rvm or gem command using sudo – you should never
have to use sudo with rvm installed in your own home directory. :slight_smile:

Use sudo to change back ownership of everything under ~/.rvm to

Yikes, skipped over that crucial part when I was reading the output. I
shall discipline myself by reciting the sudo man page 100 times.

Chris W.

On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 5:08 AM, Chris W. [email protected] wrote:

`initialize’: Permission denied -



You’re getting an EACCES (permission issue) error, so that means you need to run
it with sudo:

$ sudo bundle install

No! It means the OP has screwed up his RVM install, probably by
running some rvm or gem command using sudo – you should never
have to use sudo with rvm installed in your own home directory. :slight_smile:

Use sudo to change back ownership of everything under ~/.rvm to

And if you ever do need sudo with rvm, it’s just ‘rvmsudo’.