Insufficient database clean-up between specs

Hey guys,

unfortunately I’ve got one more issue with rspec right now.

It seems like rspec isnt properly cleaning up the database after each

I have the following spec:

describe ProfilesController do
describe “GET ‘index’” do
it ‘should render active profiles’ do
active_user = Factory(:user, :active => 1)
active_user.profile =
inactive_user = Factory(:user, :active => 0)
inactive_user.profile =
get ‘index’
assigns[:profiles].should == [active_user.profile]


This spec fails with:

‘ProfilesController GET ‘index’ should render active profiles’ FAILED
expected: [#<Profile id: 83, user_id: 80, real_name: “Wendy Moore”,
country: “Yemen, Rep.”, icon_file_name: nil, icon_content_type: nil,
icon_file_size: nil, icon_updated_at: nil, description: “I’ve gotten
burned over Cheryl Tiegs and blown up f…”, personal_website_url:”, social_network_of_choice: nil, twitter_name:
“Sarah”, created_at: “2010-03-15 11:41:56”, updated_at: “2010-03-15
got: [#<Profile id: 83, user_id: 80, real_name: “Wendy Moore”,
country: “Yemen, Rep.”, icon_file_name: nil, icon_content_type: nil,
icon_file_size: nil, icon_updated_at: nil, description: “I’ve gotten
burned over Cheryl Tiegs and blown up f…”, personal_website_url:”, social_network_of_choice: nil, twitter_name:
“Sarah”, created_at: “2010-03-15 11:41:56”, updated_at: “2010-03-15
11:41:56”>, #<Profile id: 37, user_id: 37, real_name: nil, country:
nil, icon_file_name: nil, icon_content_type: nil, icon_file_size: nil,
icon_updated_at: nil, description: nil, personal_website_url: nil,
social_network_of_choice: nil, twitter_name: nil, created_at:
“2010-03-15 11:21:15”, updated_at: “2010-03-15 11:21:15”>, #<Profile
id: 40, user_id: 40, real_name: nil, country: nil, icon_file_name:
nil, icon_content_type: nil, icon_file_size: nil, icon_updated_at:
nil, description: nil, personal_website_url: nil,
social_network_of_choice: nil, twitter_name: nil, created_at:
“2010-03-15 11:21:15”, updated_at: “2010-03-15 11:21:15”>, #<Profile
id: 52, user_id: 52, real_name: nil, country: nil, icon_file_name:
nil, icon_content_type: nil, icon_file_size: nil, icon_updated_at:
nil, description: nil, personal_website_url: nil,
social_network_of_choice: nil, twitter_name: nil, created_at:
“2010-03-15 11:21:15”, updated_at: “2010-03-15 11:21:15”>] (using ==)

As you can see, the problem is that there are more profiles than
actually expected.

Running this exact spec alone is ok:

spec spec/controllers/profiles_controller_spec.rb -l 17

Finished in 7.743924 seconds

1 example, 0 failures

The same goes for the whole spec-file itself:

spec spec/controllers/profiles_controller_spec.rb

Finished in 6.108002 seconds

12 examples, 0 failures

A quick debugging via:

it ‘should render active profiles’ do
custom_log(“Profile-count before: #{Profile.count.to_s}”)
# … see code from before
get ‘index’
custom_log(“Profile-count after: #{Profile.count.to_s}”)
assigns[:profiles].should == [active_user.profile]


Profile-count before: 3
Profile-count after: 5

Apparently the problem is, that there are still previously created
profiles around.

As far as I’ve understood rspec, shouldn’t the database be properly
cleaned up after each spec?
In other words, shouldn’t there be zero profiles before running the
spec from above?

OS: Ubuntu 9.10
spec -v
rspec 1.3.0
Mocking / Stubbing: Mocha 0.9.8

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 7:24 AM, jollyroger
[email protected] wrote:

describe ProfilesController do

burned over Cheryl Tiegs and blown up f…", personal_website_url:
nil, icon_file_name: nil, icon_content_type: nil, icon_file_size: nil,
nil, description: nil, personal_website_url: nil,
spec spec/controllers/profiles_controller_spec.rb -l 17
spec spec/controllers/profiles_controller_spec.rb
it ‘should render active profiles’ do
spec from above?
rspec-rails hooks into rails’ transaction management, rolling back
transactions after every example. It does not guarantee that your
database is empty - just that it is in the same state after each
example that it was in before. Now there are a couple of caveats here:

1 - you have to have “config.use_transactional_fixtures = true” in

This is rails’ nomenclature and really means “run each example in a

2 - if you use before(:all) anywhere in your suite, that code is not
run in a transaction and it is up to you to destroy any data you


On 15 Mar 2010, at 12:34, David C. wrote:

country: “Yemen, Rep.”, icon_file_name: nil, icon_content_type: nil,
“Sarah”, created_at: “2010-03-15 11:41:56”, updated_at: "2010-03-15
“2010-03-15 11:21:15”, updated_at: “2010-03-15 11:21:15”>, #<Profile
Running this exact spec alone is ok:
The same goes for the whole spec-file itself:
A quick debugging via:

As far as I’ve understood rspec, shouldn’t the database be properly

This is rails’ nomenclature and really means “run each example in a

2 - if you use before(:all) anywhere in your suite, that code is not
run in a transaction and it is up to you to destroy any data you

  1. If you make any dirty little direct SQL calls (using
    ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute) while the example runs, that
    will commit the transaction so it’s won’t be rolled back.


+447974 430184

David and Matt,

ok, i was under the impression that rspec would clean up the database.

Got it working now, thanks for the help…