Hello folks. I have recently upgraded from to 1.7.3, and am
seeing a strange intermittent Bad File Descriptor error on closing a
file. The offending line is a simple “File.read” (from
Gem::Specification::load). After searching for a bit and trying to dig
into the internals of RubyIO and RubyFile I figured I’d just ask you all
for some pointers.
- A rails application bundled as a war file with warbler
- A ruby script (“script/main”) bundled together in that app which runs
some executable-type tasks - Deployed onto a windows machine and run with IBM java
- A two step process of running script/main: (1) Launch a java process
that unzips the war file into a temporary directory; (2) Launch another
process that runs script/main via a ScriptingContainer.
It is during this last process, starting up the rails app, it chokes on
line 7 of boot.rb, which is this:
require ‘bundler/setup’ if File.exists?(ENV[‘BUNDLE_GEMFILE’])
Here’s the stacktrace from then on out:
org/jruby/RubyEnumerable.java:563:in `find'
config/boot.rb:7:in `(root)'
Basically, it throws a Errno::EBADF when trying to File.read one of the
gemspec files unpacked from the war file. I have been trying to
reproduce with some debug output in specification.rb to try to figure
out which gemspec file it is, and to see if there is one particularly
offensive gemspec file, or if just fails randomly without pattern.
Any ideas on what might be causing this?