Introducing Web Console 1.0 [Google Summer of Code 2013 Project]

Hi There,

My name is Genadi and for the last 2 months, me and Guillermo Iguaran
been working on bringing rails console to the browser under the Google
Summer of Code 2013 program. We named the project Web
Console as of this week, we
consider the project stable and have released

The great thing about the project is that it sneaks in a full-featured
terminal emulator in the browser, so features like colors, auto
auto indentation work out of the box. That means that you can even run
and have its advanced features available. Running less or Vim inside of
is not a problem.

Because of the terminal emulator running most of the terminal
just fine, we provide you a way to actually other commands than rails console. For example, if you are running a Unix flavor, you can run
login to authenticate a user and spawn a login shell for it. I call
a poor man’s solution to SSH servers ;]

You can check out the project on
GitHub for
a bit more documentation on what the project can do and how (if you want
to) to configure it to your likings.

Genadi Samokovarov

This is really cool! I’m super excited to get playing with it.

Out of curiosity, do you know if all of the other google summer of code
project ideas have been filled? The project idea list doesn’t look like
it’s been updated to indicate who actually got the Summer of Code grants
do the projects. rails/gsoc2013 · GitHub

I’d love to work on some of these, but I’d like to avoid duplicating


thanks for sharing … great job

Le jeudi 19 septembre 2013 18:41:31 UTC+2, Genadi Samokovarov a crit :

Hi Earl,

You can see this year’s accepted projects at
Ruby on Rails — 2013 Rails Google Summer of Code Projects.
I guess that the guys will update the page again (or create a new one)
during the preparation for the next Summer of Code (should Rails apply
again). This should be around February/March of 2014. Other than that
can always apply with your own idea :slight_smile:


Brilliant, thank you!

Well done!! I haven’t tried it out, but this is quite an ambitious
project and I’m looking forward to seeing it.

Please, do so! Would appreciate any feedback :slight_smile: