Introducing Web Console [Google Summer of Code 2013 Project]

Hi There,

For the past two months, me and Guillermo Iguaran have been working on
bringing rails console to the browser under the Google Summer of Code
program. The project’s called Web
Console as of this week, we
consider the project stable and have released

The cool thing about the project is that it doesn’t just evaluates Ruby
code. It actually puts a full-featured terminal emulator in your
so it gives you your rails console session the way you have configured
with colors, auto completion, auto indentation working out of the box.
can even run Pry with all it’s bells and whistles without a problem. Vim
and less are running just fine.

Because of the full-featured terminal emulation, we can go the long way
even run external programs, not just rails console. For example, if
are running on a Unix flavor, you can run login to authenticate users
spawn login shells for them. I call this poor man’s solution to SSH ;]

You can check out the project’s
GitHub page
for more information and documentation.

Genadi Samokovarov