Hi Everybody,
I am novice at Ruby and definitely not a programmer. Basically a sales
guy, i am with this web 2.0 company which is into Drupal and RoR web
I think RoR is fantastic because of reasons purely unknown to me. But
the kind of feedback… that i have been getting… from fellow
developers is exhilarating.
BTW - i dont whether i am right… and if not please correct… i fail
to extract any useful instruction which can help me in highlighting
the use of RoR from the user’s perspective. I have been updating
content on RoR and couldnt find a comprehensive place where i can find
good marketing materials.
Is it difficult for any person to convince to switch their site to
Also is there a way by which we can generate leads of RoR projects
since we are finding it very difficult to have those.
Please let me know how this sounds.
If you’re not a programmer, and you don’t have any rails programmers
working with you, then i don’t think your potential clients SHOULD
switch to rails.
From the point of view of the web user, rails has no advantage over any
other method of making a web site: the end result is the same. However,
from the point of view of the client, ie the person paying the developer
to make a site for them, rails is a very agile method, which means that
they can a) see something up and running relatively quickly and b) have
changes implemented relatively quickly. You should be able to find
articles on the net singing the praises of rails as a development
However, rails code doesn’t write itself - you’ll need some programmers.
RoR is a web development framework not a tool that can be used by end
users and non developers.
A web framework is a collection of development tools and libraries,
that can be used to create a web application or website.
Ruby is the language used to develop on top of the RoR framework, it
is also the language used to create it
Drupal is a CMS content managment system, which can used or better
said configured and administred by non developers to server a specific
group content management needs. Also note that the word content in the
context of drupal means website content, like articles, blogs, forums,
etc … in other words the type of content you will find on a website.
From you mail i see you have a long way to go and a lot to learn and
learn about, i recommend you spend more time researching online before
going to mailing lists