Hi, I’m not really a programmer by career. My experience limits to learning Pascal way back in school and extended experience doing VBA on Office so I want to step up and I want to learn the Ruby language. I just installed Ruby using Rubyinstaller.org on Windows 10. I selected the “set all external text as UTF-8” just in case during installation. and then installed both ruby and MYSYS2 devkit.
I set to test some simple code using “Start command Prompt with Ruby” but as soon as I tried to execute a rb file I got “invalid multibyte char (UTF-8)” regarding lines which have string literals like:
puts "Probar el número."
I already tried using the magic encoding comment at the beginning of the file:
# encoding: UTF-8
to no avail. Curiously, if I try:
puts "test string".encoding
I do get UTF-8.
Although I can restrict myself to ASCII chars for a while, inability to use accented vowels and other symbols and letters like ¿ and ñ is hampering. Where can I look for in order to fix this issue?