Is activeresource broken in rails 3.2.4?


I see that
Person.find(:all) and Person.find(:all, :params => {id => ‘2’}) returns
all records irrespective of conditions. Is activeresource broken?
PS: Im using rails 3.2.4

On Jun 18, 2012, at 2:45 PM, cyber c. wrote:


I see that
Person.find(:all) and Person.find(:all, :params => {id => ‘2’}) returns
all records irrespective of conditions. Is activeresource broken?
PS: Im using rails 3.2.4

do you actually have a column in the db named ‘params’ ? That would
seem to be wrong so I’m gathering that what you are actually wanting

Person.find(:all, {:id => ‘2’}) # but coming from older versions of
rails, I don’t feel all that comfortable with the syntax of that and
would tend to do

Person.find(:all, :conditions => [“id = ?”, ‘2’])


I dont have a column with “params”.

Person.find(:all, :conditions => [ “id = ?”,“9”]) generates a request
Started GET “/persons.json” for => hence returns all the

Where as
Person.find(:all, {:id => ‘2’}) generates a request
Started GET “/persons.json?id=2” for
But returns all the records

Seems like this has been a problem/bug from earlier versions.

Is there a work around for this?

If you’re using Rails 3, why not just do Person.where(:id => 2) ?

Hi Ryan,

Where is not an activeresource method. Here are the list of
activeresource methods
Also i will be using find to look for records that match multiple
conditions like if name = XYZ, build = ABC etc

Found a solution to the problem , the default index method of the
controller should be modified to return records according to the params

On Monday, 18 June 2012 17:45:45 UTC-4, User wrote:


I see that
Person.find(:all) and Person.find(:all, :params => {id => ‘2’}) returns
all records irrespective of conditions. Is activeresource broken?
PS: Im using rails 3.2.4

Better question: is the service on the other end paying any attention to
the parameters? Not going to have much success if it isn’t…

–Matt J.