Is it possible to debug step by step rails application running with jruby on Jboss server?

hi, all

we have a rails application, packaged by warble, then running on jboss.
How to debug it step by step in IDE, like in netbeans?
netbeans6.9 support ruby.

If possible, could you tell me how to do it? or give me some links about


You could just try using the ruby debugger? Not sure how it integrates
IDEs, but the shell interactivity is far superiour IMO to what you get
IDE debugging.

RubyMine has an excellent graphical debugger.

hi Richard,

Thanks for your quick reply.

If no IDE support, shell interactivity debugging is also acceptable.

Actually, I can debug rails application with JRuby on WEBrick server,
but seems it doesn’t work on JBoss server.
I think the reason is that I cannot transfer the “-debug” argument into
JRuby in JBoss(I used JRuby-debug gem)

Another tiresome problem is that in shell interactivity, the step
forwarding is not a line forwarding, sometimes means several breaks in
one line even I set the configuration to one line one step by force.



— 11年11月23日,周三, Richard C. [email protected] 写道:

发件人: Richard C. [email protected]
主题: Re: [jruby-user] Is it possible to debug step by step rails
application running with jruby on Jboss server?
收件人: [email protected]
日期: 2011年11月23日,周三,下午9:13

You could just try using the ruby debugger? Not sure how it integrates
into IDEs, but the shell interactivity is far superiour IMO to what you
get with IDE debugging.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 1:09 PM, h h [email protected] wrote:

hi, all

we have a rails application, packaged by warble, then running on jboss.

How to debug it step by step in IDE, like in netbeans?

netbeans6.9 support ruby.

If possible, could you tell me how to do it? or give me some links about


I’ve never done it that way. But at the very bottom of that link is a
description for Remote Debugging. I was thinking you might be able to
hook that up some how.

Let us know if you figure it out!


I believe you should be able to use the Rails debug helpers with a
warbled application on JBoss as shown by

The only gotcha you’ll probably run into is that you’ll want to make
sure the stdio / stdout streams are not redirected to a logger. In
TorqueBox we have a special config option to make sure those streams are
setup for interactive use but depending on which version of JBoss AS
you’re using there’s hopefully a way to configure that using JBoss


hi Joe,

Thanks for your quick reply and information.

I know some IDE can debug rails application on ruby’s server.
But I want someone works on JBoss server.
From, I didn’t find any information says that it
supports debugging rails application on JBoss.
Are you sure jebrains support it?


— 11年11月23日,周三, Joe K. [email protected] 写道:

发件人: Joe K. [email protected]
主题: Re: [jruby-user] Is it possible to debug step by step rails
application running with jruby on Jboss server?
收件人: [email protected]
日期: 2011年11月23日,周三,下午10:00

RubyMine has an excellent graphical debugger.

On Nov 23, 2011, at 7:09 AM, h h wrote:
hi, all

we have a rails application, packaged by warble, then running on jboss.
How to debug it step by step in IDE, like in netbeans?
netbeans6.9 support ruby.

If possible, could you tell me how to do it? or give me some links about
