Is there a One true Ruby Interface to Postgres?
All websites I have found so far have “Last Updated” timestamps of
several years ago.
Is ruby-postgres still being maintained?
Running with warnings on,
require ‘postgres’
emits this warning…
warning: discarding old open
Looking in the postgres.c file I see…
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, "connect", "new");
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, "open", "connect");
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, "setdb", "connect");
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, "setdblogin", "connect");
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, "open", "connect");
Deleting the second “open”, “connect” gets rid of the warning.
Here’s the patch
diff -u postgres.c~ postgres.c
— postgres.c~ 2005-12-22 04:59:43.000000000 +1300
+++ postgres.c 2008-04-15 10:11:26.000000000 +1200
@@ -2510,7 +2510,6 @@
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, “open”, “connect”);
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, “setdb”, “connect”);
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, “setdblogin”, “connect”);
- rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, “open”, “connect”);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cPGconn, “escape”, pgconn_s_escape,
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cPGconn, “quote”, pgconn_s_quote,
rb_define_singleton_alias(rb_cPGconn, “format”, “quote”);
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