I am very new to Ruby and my question is about trying to understand
why Ruby is often described as a “pure object-oriented language”, when
the core library seems to be quite procedural.
For example, the class File seems to have a big bunch of procedural
functions (or static methods, or whatever you want to call them) that
needs the filename to be provided as a parameter.
The File class in java is a much better OO class for managing files:
than the following ruby class:
For example, the ruby method File.basename is documented as only
supporting forward slashes, regardless of the local file system.
File.basename(“/home/gumby/work/ruby.rb”) #=> “ruby.rb”
Essentially, this seems to be not much more than a string parsing
function with no OO abstraction that represents a file object.
Compare this with doing the same thing with java:
File f = new File(“/home/gumby/work/ruby.rb”); // or new File(“C:\home
f.getName() #=> “ruby.rb”
Now my question is what have I been missing here ?
I mean, is there any other much better File class somewhere in the
Ruby core that is more pure OO, or otherwise why is a language with a
CORE procedural “class” library described as being a pure oo
language ?
/ Tom