Join the mailing list


I’m a recently joined member of the Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team.
I look forward to talking with all of you.

Best regards,

Masafumi Y.
GitHub: myokoym

Subject: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] Join the mailing list
Date: gio 15 ago 13 08:23:16 +0900

Quoting Masafumi Y. (removed_email_address@domain.invalid):

I’m a recently joined member of the Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team.
I look forward to talking with all of you.



  •     Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da 


  • K * Carlo E. Prelz - removed_email_address@domain.invalid che bisogno ci
    •           di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? 


Hi there and welcome,

I recently did lots of switches for my projects:

  • I now use Ruby 1.9.3x
  • I use latest GTK3
  • I also managed to make ruby-gnome work again

So I am happy. :slight_smile:

I noticed a few glitches in behaviour, I will try to report these in the
coming days.

Thanks for kou and the others for their hard work, I finally have a
useful GUI again!

I will also try to make some small ruby-gtk related gems in the coming
weeks, hopefully others may find them useful - it would be great if, in
the long run, we ruby-gnome users could join up and develop a set of
custom bindings to enhance the ruby-gtk / ruby-gnome “app”-lands.