JRuby 1.0.2 Released

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.0.2.

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/

JRuby 1.0.2 is a minor release of our stable 1.0 branch. The fixes in
release include primarily obvious compatibility issues that we felt were
low risk. We periodically push out point releases to continue supporting
production users of JRuby 1.0.x.


  • Fixed several nasty issues for users on Windows
  • Fixed a number of network compatibility issues
  • Includes support for Rails 1.2.5
  • Reduced memory footprint
  • Improved File IO performance
  • trap() fix
  • 99 total issues resolved since JRuby 1.0.1

Special thanks to the new JRuby contributors who rose to Charlie’s
to write patches for some outstanding bugs: Riley Lynch, Mathias
Christensen, Peter Brant, and Niels Bech Nielsen. Welcome aboard…

JRUBY-413 Thread does not define an allocator, and does not
respond properly when an attempt is made to Marshal it
JRUBY-905 Thread context classloader should not be saved
JRUBY-1005 Array#pack fails for Q/q directives
JRUBY-1023 File.new does not support 3rd form (file descriptors)
JRUBY-1042 Array block args not expanded when calling explicit block
JRUBY-1043 Java proxy InvocationHandler’s parameterTypeCache should
be thread-safe
JRUBY-1049 IO.open not defined
JRUBY-1053 Rubinius class_spec failures
JRUBY-1066 Rubinius core/struct_spec failures
JRUBY-1070 Rubinius language/method_spec failures
JRUBY-1085 gem install rails results in OutOfMemoryError
JRUBY-1111 ARGV not defined when running ruby scripts via BSF
JRUBY-1121 rake hangs
JRUBY-1123 missing encoding attribute
JRUBY-1125 Weird NPE when ObjectSpace._id2ref called for GC’ed
object in conditional statement
JRUBY-1129 net/imap failes with parser errors
JRUBY-1139 NPE on unmarshalling new-style “user”-marshalled class
JRUBY-1144 rails script shebang line causes incorrect interpretation
JRUBY-1160 jruby.bat parses argument with “=” incorrectly
JRUBY-1191 method() on alias calls wrong super (but not in our
JRUBY-1219 Japanese problem in YAML
JRUBY-1229 require throws a LoadError when Jar has a null Manifest
JRUBY-1231 File.directory?(‘’) should return false
JRUBY-1236 Regexp : yet another regular expression diff from MRI
JRUBY-1238 Make Frame#getName and Frame#getPosition public
JRUBY-1242 ClassCastException: org.jruby.ast.NthRefNode w/match
variables used as #$1 in here document in string substitution
JRUBY-1243 Module#class_variable_defined? not defined.
JRUBY-1246 Base64Coder#encode(String) has a problem.
JRUBY-1262 RbConfig is not defined
JRUBY-1269 probable bug in ObjectSpace::define_finalize
JRUBY-1274 YAML.dump requires second argument to .respond_to? :write
JRUBY-1275 Java integration violates Module#name contract (reduction
of jirb issue)
JRUBY-1286 ‘Thread.main.exit!’ and/or ‘Kernel.exit!’ does not work
under certain circumstances
JRUBY-1287 ant dist is putting unneeded files in resulting zip and
tar files
JRUBY-1289 JRuby fails if assertions are enabled
JRUBY-1290 DRb fails to bind to socket: Address in use
JRUBY-1295 Invalid instance/class variable and constant names may be
JRUBY-1302 Intermittent Mongrel failures with “uninitialized
constant Errno::ECONNABORTED”
JRUBY-1306 Java 6-based chmod reverses logic for readable and
JRUBY-1308 File.new using File::CREAT should imply reading, not
JRUBY-1315 ‘system’, ‘popen’, etc… with spaces in path of jruby
does not work system(‘“C:/foo bar/har har/bin/jruby” doSomething.rb’)
JRUBY-1317 Heredocs ending in non-curly expansion do not include
final newline
JRUBY-1318 :$`, :$&, :$, :$+ goes boom
JRUBY-1321 any tab completion after typing object name that doesn’t
exist folled by a “.” crashes jirb
JRUBY-1331 YABAB - Yet Another Block Argument Bug
JRUBY-1333 unpack(M*) does not read encoded value if it is last in
the packed value
JRUBY-1334 Iconv exceptions end up exceptioning out during their
JRUBY-1335 “gets” method in jirb does not echo to stdout
JRUBY-1336 unpack(M) loses last character
JRUBY-1337 Fix broken unit tests in
JRUBY-1339 Constants nested in a Module are not included
JRUBY-1343 Signal#trap doesn’t work
JRUBY-1347 wrong algorithm in _jrubyvars.bat to set the classpath
for jruby
JRUBY-1348 gem installation does not set executable rights correctly
JRUBY-1350 CLASSPATH environment variable increases exponentially in
JRUBY-1353 newSymbol symbolid’s make 1.to_sym, etc… give weird
JRUBY-1367 rev 4315 changes to _jrubyvars.bat breaks jruby
JRUBY-1368 Attempting File.open(‘foo’, ‘w’) when ‘./foo’ is a
directory raises Errno:ERNOENT, but should raise Errno:EISDIR
JRUBY-1370 Call/FCall don’t provide incoming block during arg
JRUBY-1372 Rails helper loading fails due to Regexp quoting bug
JRUBY-1373 Cannot run JRuby through ‘java’ when having space in path
in JRuby’s home
JRUBY-1374 Our File.sync is too over zealous
JRUBY-1375 Dir.mkdir doesn’t raise SystemCallError
JRUBY-1379 [PATCH] file.flock(File::LOCK_UN | File::LOCK_NB) support
JRUBY-1380 jruby complete jar file forgot to include jline.dll
JRUBY-1393 JRuby Errno module is missing ECONNABORTED
JRUBY-1394 README.test points people to wrong file name
JRUBY-1401 Pathname#realpath fails for Windows drive letters
JRUBY-1406 Reading streams from launched shell process is slow
JRUBY-1408 JRuby crashes with error: can’t find string “EOF”
anywhere before EOF (SyntaxError)
JRUBY-1410 Signal on Windows blows up with missing signals
JRUBY-1416 eval of a “proc” with setting the line number for
something lower than 1 to adjust the line number causes
“java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 (NativeException)”
JRUBY-1417 Wrong var name inside thread dosent popup exception. With
-d optino enabled.
JRUBY-1419 alias_method does not call method_added for the new
JRUBY-1422 (patch) File.dirname(‘C:\’) returns incorrect results
JRUBY-1423 Range#step - strange behavior with alpha range, numeric
JRUBY-1426 error occurs when attempting to disable jit at the
command line on windows
JRUBY-1427 YAML wrongly serialize String contains certain utf8
JRUBY-1430 Kernel::rand() is broken for arguments larger than
JRUBY-1432 NFE from RubyYaccLexer.yylex
JRUBY-1435 YieldNodes sometimes have wrong position information
JRUBY-1437 Heap overflow on attempted gem install
JRUBY-1443 Wrong position information for a CallNode with
JRUBY-1446 FileUtils#mkdir_p causes test suites to not register if
the mkdir_p argument already exists
JRUBY-1447 Setting the priority of a dead thread causes NPE
JRUBY-1450 Builtin scripts don’t establish a new frame and class
when loaded
JRUBY-1451 jruby does not warn about uninitialized instance
variables even when warnings are enabled
JRUBY-1452 TCPServer in the midst of accept should still be usable
after being Thread.raise interrupted
JRUBY-1460 TCPSockets do not stay fully closed
JRUBY-1465 Test failures under Windows
JRUBY-1468 blocks with var args does not work the same as MRI or
JRuby 1.0.1 when the argument supplied is an array
JRUBY-1477 IO Error requiring certain jars in JRoR
JRUBY-1479 irb completion doesn’t work for ‘java.[TAB]’
JRUBY-1481 don’t automatically define ARGV when embedding
JRUBY-1482 Make ARGV default always to [] and configurable through
JRUBY-1484 JRuby.bat -e and double-quoted string processing broken
JRUBY-1491 MethodCache maintains hard references to Ruby classes and
methods that should be weakly referenced
JRUBY-1499 Mongrel log should go to standard out by default. This
doesn’t happen for some reason
JRUBY-1500 JIRB startup failure “unrecognized switch: -=-”