The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.1.2!
JRuby 1.1.2 is the second point release of JRuby 1.1. The fixes in this
release are primarily obvious compatibility problems and performance
enhancements. Our goal is to put out point releases more frequently for
the next several months (about 3-4 weeks a release). We want a more
rapid release cycle to better address issues brought up by users of
- Startup time drastically reduced
- YAML symbol parsing >100x faster
- Performance, threading, and stack depth improvements for method calls
- Fixed several nested backref problems
- Fixed bad data race (JRUBY-2483)
- Gazillions of bigdecimal issues fixed (all?)
- 95 issues resolved since JRuby 1.1.1
JRUBY-672 java.lang.Class representation of Ruby class not
JRUBY-1051 Rubinius bignum_spec failures
JRUBY-1163 Doesn’t allow ‘included’ to be protected
JRUBY-1190 Cannot call protected constructors from an abstract base
JRUBY-1332 It should be possible to add a jar to the load path and
have it act like a regular directory
JRUBY-1338 Concurrent file uploads in Rails cause OOM errors with
JRUBY-1386 instance_eval is a nightmarish can of worms; it needs to
be completely refactored
JRUBY-1387 define_method methods are pushing two frames onto the
stack, among other inefficiencies
JRUBY-1390 Calling super without args does not (always) pass
original args
JRUBY-1395 while loops and other protected constructs may require
synthetic methods in the compiler
JRUBY-1463 Java deserialization through java-integration is broken
in JRuby
JRUBY-1574 Extract into jruby.home from jar: url
JRUBY-1582 Allow heap and stack to be set via environment variables
JRUBY-1688 Problems with multiple arguments to Kernel#exec/system
and Rake’s FileUtils#sh
JRUBY-1725 Gem installs a bad shebang on application scripts (like
JRUBY-1749 JRuby fails test/externals/bfts/test_time.rb on Japanese
JRUBY-1753 while cases disabled with precompiled tests now runninng;
known lackings in the compiler
JRUBY-1767 JRuby needs a fast JSON library
JRUBY-2041 Calling the attached method after 6 times returns nil
JRUBY-2086 class cast exception randomly appears
JRUBY-2230 Compiler emits exception-handling sections of code that
can be reached through non-exceptional paths.
JRUBY-2247 Object#methods is incorrect in some cases
JRUBY-2265 BigDecimal outputs to_s(“F”) differently than MRI
JRUBY-2267 in `method_missing’: no id given (ArgumentError)
(RubyKernel class)
JRUBY-2318 $~/Regexp.last_match lost when evaluation is inside a
JRUBY-2347 Race condition in DRb: Socket not always closed in
JRUBY-2348 FasterCSV’s :auto option for row separator doesn’t work
in JRuby
JRUBY-2370 JRuby startup time significantly slower than MRI
JRUBY-2378 Hundreds of new rubyspec fiailures with BigDecimal
JRUBY-2383 File.stat fails confusingly on large files
JRUBY-2392 Problem marshalling time
JRUBY-2418 protected method bug: plugin will_paginate shows symptoms
JRUBY-2423 Avoid double copying data in ChannelDescriptor#read()
JRUBY-2431 Rubygems under JRuby doesn’t install BAT executable files
on Windows
JRUBY-2432 Rubygems under JRuby detects the ruby executable name
incorrectly on Windows
JRUBY-2434 Implement BigDecimal#sqrt
JRUBY-2438 Support SQLite3 using JRuby
JRUBY-2442 Each value of SCRIPT_LINES__ contains two redundant empty
JRUBY-2444 NPE from o.j.r.scope.ManyVarsDynamicScope#getValue
JRUBY-2445 Regression: jirb_swing broken, prints out to the stdin,
not to the GUI
JRUBY-2450 StringIO#gets should set $_ to nil when it runs out of
JRUBY-2451 Cannot compile JRuby (regression of rev: 6565)
JRUBY-2452 Predefined globals $_ and $~ handled incorrectly
JRUBY-2453 Etc.getpwnam crashes JVM on Linux
JRUBY-2458 Move to a proper package
JRUBY-2459 Upgrade rubygems to version 1.1.1
JRUBY-2461 RubyGems are installing with incorrect shebang line
JRUBY-2474 --debug for interpreted mode, --jdb for jdb
JRUBY-2476 Rubygems fails with NameError: StringIO
JRUBY-2477 ClassCastException org.jruby.RubyString cannot be cast to
JRUBY-2478 InlineCachingCallSite perf degradation due to
JRUBY-2477 fix
JRUBY-2479 YAML Parse Error for Array of Hash of Hash
JRUBY-2480 Ruby object passed to Java method impl passed back to
Ruby method impl loses original ruby instance
JRUBY-2482 ClassCastException in RubyThreadGroup.add
JRUBY-2483 PatternCache data race in RubyRegexp#initialize
JRUBY-2485 Regression: Most BAT starter scripts are broken on
JRUBY-2486 rails --version command still broken
JRUBY-2487 Bugs in REXML::Document
JRUBY-2489 Regexp.last_match broken inside Enumerable’s grep block
JRUBY-2490 Initializing structs including Java interfaces crashes
JRUBY-2491 File.umask with no argument sets umask to 0
JRUBY-2492 Add --debug option explanation in RubyInstanceConfig
JRUBY-2493 Classpath changes for workspace in eclipse
JRUBY-2494 REXML unusable from multiple threads:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jruby.RubyString
JRUBY-2499 Parser bug with :do
JRUBY-2502 Major regression in Array#pack
JRUBY-2503 variance from MRI: expects zero block params
JRUBY-2509 behave incompatibly with MRI
JRUBY-2510 JRuby crashes with -XstartOnFirstThread on carbon
JRUBY-2511 Dir.pwd with non-ascii chars does not display correctly
JRUBY-2512 YAML 10x slower loading Graticule data
JRUBY-2514 JIT max and JIT threshold should be adjusted for
improvements in JRuby over the past months
JRUBY-2523 Deprecated StringScanner#getbyte is infinitely recursive
JRUBY-2524 File.exists? “file:/” crashes jruby (I believe the actual
cause is the file: prefix)
JRUBY-2527 jruby -e chomp throws AbstractMethodError
JRUBY-2530 Multiply-binding JRubyMethod’s with arity (min:0, max:2)
can’t have block args
JRUBY-2531 IO#seek= with non-fixnum vaule breaks JRuby (and rubyspec
JRUBY-2533 NPE when using a closed Iconv object
JRUBY-2536 Bignum#div should never return non-integer values, even
if arg is Float
JRUBY-2537 Fixnum rubyspec failures for methods with Bignum
JRUBY-2540 Two rubyspec failures for Complex
JRUBY-2547 JRuby 1.1.1 can’t install native gems like Mongrel,
Hpricot, etc
JRUBY-2549 Calling java.lang.Intger#method raises Exception
JRUBY-2551 JavaProxyClassFactory and JavaClass should use
getDeclaredConstructors to get all public/protected constructors
JRUBY-2558 Rational#divmod follows MRI bug behavior
JRUBY-2563 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
org.jruby.Ruby.newFixnum(I)Lorg/jruby/RubyFixnum; happens when trying to
access rails application
JRUBY-2568 Float divided by BigDecimal incorrectly coerced to Fixnum
JRUBY-2569 Specs to test method reflection and invocation
JRUBY-2570 BigDecimal#to_f incorrectly handles negative zero
JRUBY-2571 some IO constants not defined
JRUBY-2572 File::FNM_SYSCASE defined incorrectly on non-Windows
JRUBY-2573 Revision 6754 randomly dispatches the wrong method under
multithreaded loads.
JRUBY-2575 Regression on Windows: Can’t execute jruby, with path
constructed out of rbconfig’s CONFIG entries
JRUBY-2579 Yaml ParserException
JRUBY-2580 Regression: yaml tests break JRuby hard