Jruby 1.9, mongrel doesn't work

I’m trying jruby setting JRUBY_OPTS=–1.9.
Now mongrel doesn’t start


syntax error, unexpected ‘:’

                  when modified_since && !last_response_time =

Time.httpdate(modified_since) rescue nil : false

I knew that some gems aren’t still compatible with 1.9.
But 1.9 is now out for already a ling time.

Same problem with jruby 1.6.7 how did you solve it ?

Msan M. wrote in post #999889:

I’m trying jruby setting JRUBY_OPTS=–1.9.
Now mongrel doesn’t start


syntax error, unexpected ‘:’

                  when modified_since && !last_response_time =

Time.httpdate(modified_since) rescue nil : false

I knew that some gems aren’t still compatible with 1.9.
But 1.9 is now out for already a ling time.

I don’t think that syntax is valid in 1.9 anymore. I would recommend
Trinidad as your command line server, or if you are really attached to
Mongrel, you should use the updated version ‘puma’.

As Charles said, this syntax is not valid in 1.9.
But you can replace the colons ‘:’ in the file with newlines and mongrel
will work. That’s what I did in the attached file.
The file in question is mongrel-1.1.5-java/lib/mongrel/handlers.rb
Hope that helps,
