I’m experiencing a problem using jruby-rack for development. When I’m
running locally in development mode rack doesn’t seem to pick up any
changes I make to controllers, views or other ruby/rails files.
Goldspike did not have this problem. I’m using an app.war symlink
that points back to the exploded war in the target directory of my
maven webapp (just like I did with goldspike).
Here are some detailed observations
- Changing a view file directly in target before the first request to
rails is made works fine.
- Changing a view file after rails is initialized does not work.
- Removing a view after rails is initialized causes the “template not
found” exception
- Replacing a removed view causes the “old” version to be picked up
again, not the new file.
- Bouncing the container fixes everything.
First, is this a known issue or a misconfiguration on my part? I’m
using the recommended filter setup, the application is in
Second, if it not a known issue can anyone else replicate the problem?
-Tyler J.
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would you provide your config/warble.rb file and custom web.xml (if
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Tyler J.
[email protected]
rails is made works fine.
Second, if it not a known issue can anyone else replicate the problem?
Fabio K.
Caelum - Ensino e Soluções em Computação
I’m not using warbler. Custom web.xml at the pastie location above.
I tried moving rails out of /WEB-INF/rails to /rails, but that did
Thanks for the assistance!
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Fabio K. [email protected]
maven webapp (just like I did with goldspike).
- Bouncing the container fixes everything.
Caelum - Ensino e Soluções em Computação
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Seems like this is caused by JRuby-Rack forcefully setting
cache_template_loading = true. I’ve removed that line in the latest
commit. Can you try building JRuby-Rack from trunk and see if the
problem goes away?
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Tyler J.
[email protected] wrote:
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Fabio K. [email protected] wrote:
maven webapp (just like I did with goldspike).
- Bouncing the container fixes everything.
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