Jruby "RuntimeHelpers" class is depricated

I am having a project based on JRuby on rails, now I am migrating this
project to jruby- version.

In the code, ruby is called from Java file as shown below:

String source = new StringBuilder(“require ‘java’\n” +
“\n” +
“java_package ‘jrubysource’\n” +

    "class SystemFilePath\n" +
    "  attr_accessor :topDirCmd, :topDirNames\n" +
    "  java_signature 'SystemFilePath(String topDirCmd)'\n" +
    "  def initialize(topDirCmd)\n" +
    "    @topDirCmd = topDirCmd\n" +
    "    setTopDirectoryNames()\n" +
    "  end\n" +
    "\n" +
    "  java_signature 'void setTopDirectoryNames()'\n" +
    "  def setTopDirectoryNames\n" +
    "    Open3.popen3(@topDirCmd) { |stdin, stdout, stderr,

wait_thread|\n" +
" out = stdout.read\n" +
" err = stderr.read\n" +
" if err.size > 0 || out.size == 0\n" +
" @topDirNames = nil\n" +
" return\n" +
" end\n" +
" out = out.split(/\n/).select{|a| a.match(/system_1/) &&
!a.match(/system_1\/sim/)}.join("\n") + “\n”;\n" +
" topDirNames = out.split(/\//).select{|a| a.match(/\n$/)
}.map(&:chomp)\n" +
" if topDirNames.size == 0 then\n" +
" @topDirNames = nil\n" +
" return\n" +
" end\n" +
" @topDirNames = topDirNames.sort.reverse\n" +
" }\n" +
" rescue Exception => e\n" +
" @topDirNames = nil\n" +
" end\n" +
“\n” +
“end\n” +
ruby.executeScript(source, “system_file_path.rb”);
RubyClass metaclass = ruby.getClass(“SystemFilePath”);
if (metaclass == null) throw new NoClassDefFoundError(“Could not
load Ruby class: SystemFilePath”);
metaclass = metaclass;

public void setTopDirectoryNames() {
IRubyObject ruby_result =
RuntimeHelpers.invoke(ruby.getCurrentContext(), this,
“setTopDirectoryNames”); //Here i am calling ruby code from java file.

Now, according to a JRuby API document “RuntimeHelpers” class is

The document provides no alternative API. Please guide me towards an
alternative as this is a blocker for me.

Have you found any solution for this yet?