JRuby SCM has moved to Git!

We have successfully migrated JRuby development to Git!

The main repository is on the JRuby kenai.com project, but most folks
will just want to clone the official mirror on Github.

Kenai: git://kenai.com/jruby~main
Github: git://github.com/jruby/jruby.git

The CI server has already been updated to point at the new repository on
kenai, and nightly builds have been running for several days. If you
just want to grab a current nightly snapshot, you can do that from
github’s capabilities or by visiting the nightly build page:


The old SVN repository on Codehaus is now defunct for JRuby development
and will not be updated any more. We will likely remove the JRuby
branches and trunk soon and replace them with a README pointing to the
new repository locations.

Thanks for your patience during the move!

  • Charlie

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Charles Oliver N. said…

We have successfully migrated JRuby development to Git!

The main repository is on the JRuby kenai.com project, but most folks
will just want to clone the official mirror on Github.

Kenai: git://kenai.com/jruby~main
Github: git://github.com/jruby/jruby.git

Superb. Works great. Thanks.


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