Jsc 0.2.2 released

Hello everybody!

I’m happy to announce jsc, the Javascript Compiler.

With jsc you can compile your JavaScript code throught Google Closure
Compiler REST service[1].

== Install


[sudo] gem install jsc

or get source from GitHub - sub/jsc: Ruby API to Google Closure Compiler Web service

== Samples of usage

Get compiled code, if no errors are found:
jsc compiled_code.js

Just check for errors:
jsc errors.js -e

Run jsc --help for more info about allowed options.

== Flymake

For GNU Emacs users, jsc provides a flymake[2] compatible output. So you
can use
jsc+flymake to have a syntax check tool running in the background while
javascript files:

Feedback and suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:


Davide Saurino
Fork me on GitHub sub (Davide Saurino) · GitHub
Follow me on http://twitter.com/fitzkarraldo

[1] Closure Compiler  |  Google for Developers
[2] EmacsWiki: Fly Make