Jumping authentication spec

hi everyone! i ve been working in my new rspec scaffold generator.
I have made all the neccesary specs over all controllers and models.
I am working with restful_authenticated plugin. I have already coded
the spects of it too. But now im trying to test my controllers and i
dont know the way to “jump” my authentication system when i run rake
spec. The errors described are reffered to this plugin and i would
like to ignore it.
I think the solution might be mocking the user and turning “true” to
the login? method… i have tryied with the login? method and nothing
happened. Am i in the right way?
have anybody had this problem before?

Thanks a lot.


On Jul 1, 2008, at 12:59 PM, marcio [email protected] wrote:

have anybody had this problem before?
Mocking the user sounds like the right approach. If you post some code
we can help you more specifically.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:08 AM, David C. [email protected]

the login? method… i have tryied with the login? method and nothing
happened. Am i in the right way?
have anybody had this problem before?

Mocking the user sounds like the right approach. If you post some code we
can help you more specifically.


I used to do it like

@controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return mock_model(User)

is this still valid?