require “rubygems”
require “xml”
class TaskLoader
class BadXML < RuntimeError
def load_tasks
doc = XML::Parser.file( “qq.xml” ).parse
# … work with document …
rescue XML::Parser::ParseError, BadXML # this is line #40
# …
end # TaskLoader
p # this is line #71
read_xml.rb:40:in `load_tasks’: uninitialized constant
LibXML::XML::Parser::ParseError (NameError)
from read_xml.rb:71
Question: why does ruby interpret XML::Parser::ParseError in rescue-
clause as LibXML::XML::Parser::ParseError?
On Sep 4, 2:41 pm, adrianopol [email protected] wrote:
read_xml.rb:40:in `load_tasks’: uninitialized constant
LibXML::XML::Parser::ParseError (NameError)
from read_xml.rb:71
Question: why does ruby interpret XML::Parser::ParseError in rescue-
clause as LibXML::XML::Parser::ParseError?
because the top level constant XML is LibXML::XML (check their
object_id )
OK, so, how should I handle this exception?
On Sep 4, 6:12 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]
Documentation (
Parser.html#M000123, bottom of the page) says that
XML::Parser::ParseError should be thrown. I tried to raise it (trying
to parse bad xml-string) and the exception is really different:
irb(main):005:0> XML::Parser.string( "<foo></ba/r/></foo>").parse
Fatal error: expected '>' at :1.
Fatal error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: foo line 1 and ba
at :1.
Fatal error: Extra content at the end of the document at :1.
LibXML::XML::Error: Fatal error: Extra content at the end of the
document at :1.
from (irb):5:in `parse’
from (irb):5
from (null):0
I think, i should handle LibXML::XML::Error instead. The problem is