I have some simple code so that when you click on a thumbnail,
it’s supposed to display the image enlarged in the enlargement area.
The page looks right, but when you click on a thumb nothing happens, it
just moves up the page. Why is the href=# happening ? The generated
html comes after the sample rhtml
<%= image_tag @enlargement, :width => “279”, :height => “200” %>
<% @images.each do |img|%>
<% itag = "#{img[:thumb_path]}" %>
<% puts "HR: #{itag}" %>
<%= link_to_remote image_tag ("#{itag}"),
{:update => "enlargement",
:url => {:controller => "reunion", :action
=> “enlargement”, :id => 0}
<% end %>
<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('enlargement',
‘/reunion/enlargement/0’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});
return false;">
<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('enlargement',
‘/reunion/enlargement/0’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});
return false;">
<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('enlargement',
‘/reunion/enlargement/0’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});
return false;">
<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('enlargement',
‘/reunion/enlargement/0’, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});
return false;">