Lo-fi RDoc generator?

Hi all, I’m having trouble finding a lo-fi RDoc generator that works
well across browsers with JavaScript disabled.

I’m reasonably satisfied with Darkfish, but still unhappy with the
JavaScript dependency (but at least it’s still usable without JS).

Anything with frames is a showstopper. I can’t deal with them and
refused to deal with RDoc until I learned of Darkfish.

Perhaps I should attempt to make one? I have a strong hatred of
graphics/icons on the web, so if I made one it’d be text-only :>

On Dec 8, 4:23pm, Eric W. [email protected] wrote:

graphics/icons on the web, so if I made one it’d be text-only :>
You might try rdazzle. It has a variety of templates and you’re more
than welcome to contribute a new template --it’s pretty easy to take
an existing rdazzle template, copy it, and work it into something the
suites you.

(FYI, I’ve pretty much decide at this point that the future of rdazzle
will be to acts a support library for other template gems. Thus I will
eventually be splitting the current templates off as individual gems
that depend on rdazzle.)

Intransition [email protected] wrote: