Localization for Rails Engine


I’m new to this list, so please forgive me
if I’m asking the wrong discussions.

I’m the maintainer of Ruby-GetText-Package which
produce the l10n to Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Recently, some people ask me for the l10n
of Engines with gettext.

So I wrote a HOWTO for it.

And I localized login_engine for an example.
It includes English and Japanese messages.

I think it’s better to support l10n for Engines by itself.

Engines have a lot of message in the views/models/controllers.
If we(Japanese) think to use Engines, we need to translate
the messages by ourselves. It’s not DRY for us.

Are there any chance to support Engines with GetText ?
If you agree with me, I’ll work it.

Hi Masao,

Whether or not an engine supports GetText depends on the individual
engine, and therefore the developer of that engine. I’m not sure that
the current incarnations of the login/user engines will be patched in
SVN to support this. This is primarily because of time constraints and
the fact that I’d prefer to focus on making it easier for others to
develop their own engines, rather than providing a suite of engines
for the public to consume.

However, that said there’s no reason why, in your own engines, you
can’t take advantage of GetText in a nice way.
