Since localize was changed to go via translate rather than directly
resolving, it seems lambdas no longer work. The problem being that the
lambda is called in translate, which doesn’t have access to the object
being localized.
Is this a bug? If it isn’t, what’s the suggested way of supporting
lambdas in localization now?
A simple example, which works with 0.3.3 (as bundled with Rails 2.3.5)
but breaks with 0.3.6:
While I waited an answer from GitHub I got fixed this bug and I sent a
pull request to Sven Funchs but didn’t get a answer yet.
José Valim, I sent a pull request again addressing you (too). Could
you checkout it? Excuse me for not having sent a message in request, I
sent the form of pull request without want, before fill the message.