I am looking for the FPGA Velilog source code for USRP1.
Although I found the subject of “Location of USRP1 and USRP2
non UHD FPGA Verilog sources” on 2010-12-09 15:34, I could not
find the FPGA Velilog source code for USRP1. The answer was
They are now hosted on Ettus website:
Then, I reached next link and contents wrriten bellow.
→ http://code.ettus.com/redmine/ettus/projects/show/fpga
→ FPGA code for the USRP and USRP2 is available here
The linked page in the contents indicats itself. Could you tell
me the correct link? Or my fault?
In addition, I am behind a firewall blocking git. I would
like to get it from the http mirror.
Thank you.