Looking for a partner to work on weekend project

Hi all!

I’m a student at a technical school in India, and am somewhat new to
Rails. I had a small project idea, which I wanted to work on, but I
feel I’m spending too much time trying to learn what must be obvious
to any half-experienced coder on Rails.

I presume that this project will take no more than a weekend (or two,
at max), if I have a somewhat experienced guy to work with.

And yes, this is a commercial idea, not a development project. Looking
at a very long-term perspective, I think it might even make money, if
hosted. However, I am only a student at the present moment, so I can’t
pay you for your time.

If you’re interested, please email me at [email protected], and
we’ll take it from there.

I would prefer folks who:
a) have some experience
b) are students (not pros, so that we can spend some time on this
should we decide its worth it)
c) Based in India? (Not really necessary. What is Skype for?)

Look forward to your email.

+91 99820 18699

On 2/7/07, chinmay [email protected] wrote:

Hi all!

I’m a student at a technical school in India, and am somewhat new to
Rails. I had a small project idea, which I wanted to work on, but I
feel I’m spending too much time trying to learn what must be obvious
to any half-experienced coder on Rails.

I presume that this project will take no more than a weekend (or two,
at max), if I have a somewhat experienced guy to work with.

Well good luck on your project. Having a concrete idea to work towards
is a great place to start learning Rails or Ruby.

BTW it may end up being easier to just to work with someone local,
from a pure timezone perspective. If you need weekend availability
for communications and co-ordination, it helps if your free time
coincides. India is pretty time-zone isolated from other IT heavy

I would look for India Rails or Ruby user groups first. Or share your
idea with the list to see if you can attract people with a shared
vision. Though if you believe your idea has commercial prospects
I can understand if you are reluctant to do that.

Still, your written english is excellent, theres no reason why you
work with english speakers (besides the fact that they may be sleeping
or in class when you have free time). The speed of Rails development
means that you could even pair program/online mentor over the net to a
shared development server or code repository. In addition to being a
experience, it would be the quickest way to fix your lack-of-knowledge

Anyway welcome to Rails, and good luck with your project.


Hi ,

I am ready to work with you. We can make it by GoogleTalk / Yahoo