Looking for "tar" file reader library

I’m looking for a Ruby “tar” format file reader.

I have not found much out there. So far, just ruby-tar-0.1.0 at
http://www.aagh.net/files/ruby-tar/ – which is a program, though I
could library-ize it without much effort. It also seems to have not
been maintained for five years.

I was wondering if anyone knew of something that was already a library?

Thanks in advance.

On 4/4/07, Jeff M. [email protected] wrote:

I’m looking for a Ruby “tar” format file reader.

I have not found much out there. So far, just ruby-tar-0.1.0 at
http://www.aagh.net/files/ruby-tar/ – which is a program, though I
could library-ize it without much effort. It also seems to have not
been maintained for five years.

I was wondering if anyone knew of something that was already a library?

Look in the Ruwiki project; you’ll find Archive::Tar::Minitar. I hope
to move it to the “archive” project soon.


On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 04:12:31AM +0900, Jeff M. wrote:

I’m looking for a Ruby “tar” format file reader.

Austin’s minitar is a gem:
