Lost messages


I sent a couple emails from my work account (my name at gallagher.co)
enquiring about 2 patches I had submitted that seem to be in limbo. The
first email was 2 months ago the second approx a week.

Both these messages appear to have been dropped. Is the mailing list
still alive? Is anyone caring about patches via github?

Thanks, Orion


I sent you the email addresses you are subscribed with, so hopefully
that clears up why some didn’t make it to the list. I did see mail
from that address about two months ago when you reported operator
highlighting. Nothing two weeks ago.

The throttling filesystem patch
(Codeplex WorkItem 6118: by gglresearchanddevelopment · Pull Request #20 · IronLanguages/main · GitHub) wasn’t merged in just
due to me forgetting to test it out. The operator patch
(Switch the syntax classifier from using "operator" to "script operator", which lets you change the colors of operator characters in visual studio by gglresearchanddevelopment · Pull Request #21 · IronLanguages/main · GitHub) was closed, but does
not looked like it was merged in. Should both these still be merged


Ahhh, thank you. Our company marketing department arbitrarily decided to
change everyone’s email address from .co.nz to just .co, so it’ll be the
wrong address.

I’ll re-sign up my work account at the new address.

The throttling filesystem patch is (IMHO) definitely useful

The operator one is too, but I wasn’t sure if the rest of the community
would accept the change to using “Script Operator”, as it is a bit odd.
was hoping someone would know more about VS and point out how to fix it
properly. If not, then if you guys are happy to accept it, I’m happy.

I think I closed the second pull request by accident. Github look like
merged both the pull requests into a single one, and I didn’t want it to
that. I’m a bit of a github newbie, sorry