
Hi Everyone!

First post and wouldn’t you know it - it’s probably a simple, rookie,
nuby, etc.
type of question. I have searched and read quite a bit before posting.

Trying to debug why the mailer_behavior isn’t working for me, so I
thought to
run the test that is included with it.

Is it as simple as going to the vendor/plugins/radiant_mailer_behavior
and typing ‘rake’? or type ‘rake test:plugins’ from the rails app root

In either case, I see the first line in

require File.dirname(FILE) + ‘/…/…/test_helper’

But, I don’t have a test_helper.rb file in vendor/plugins, so I don’t
see how
the test will ever work?



I’m not all that familiar with the mailer behavior, but consider
that line to read like so:

require File.join(RAILS_ROOT, “test”, “test_helper”)


Sean C.

Todd McGrath wrote:

Trying to debug why the mailer_behavior isn’t working for me…

I too have been playing around with a non-functional mailer behavior.
Its hard to tell for sure from the list, but the impression I get is
that no one can get the mailer behavior to work with the latest version
of radiant.

Sounds like people are having the same issue. Not forwarding to redirect
page and not sending mail, and no errors of any sort reported or logged.

Changing the environment.rb file to not exclude ActionMailer DOESNT’T
seem to fix it but has been suggested as a fix by some people on the

Skip frameworks you’re not going to use

config.frameworks -= [ :action_web_service, :action_mailer ]


Skip frameworks you’re not going to use

config.frameworks -= [ :action_web_service ]

Please share the results from your logging and any fixes you develop.