Man pages for Ruby programs?

Lately I found this:

Nice colours for manpages.

But I was thinking… would it be possible to have or use manpages in a
gem too, optionally? I would not need this for all my projects, only for
~3 of my larger gems. All these gems already have very long tutorials
that I keep in .cgi; from this .cgi, I generate a .pdf file via
wkhtmltopdf, which is not pretty but at the least it has the content
that I think may be
useful and it has some styling/colours. So I was thinking that I could
also use manpages from these tutorials, but I have no real idea how or
if that would be possible at all.

Is there maybe some way to install manpages? (I’d retain them
optionally, so the user would have to install it specifically.)

Robert H. wrote in post #1184849:

Lately I found this:

Nice colours for manpages.

But I was thinking… would it be possible to have or use manpages in a
gem too,

see :

It use redcarpet:

Wich code a manPage generator :

I am not sure that manpage is good format for tutorals :slight_smile:
perhaps a simple page with link to html/pdf doc should be ok.

This isn’t an answer, but this is a great question! I’m also interested
in any answer there may be.